So I timed GG with and without AS a few times and there is still a two second difference. With AS GG is around 10.65 seconds, without its 12.6 seconds. I thought they unnerfed it. Its upsetting hunters are in a rut right now. They really got nothing going for them. I mean really, most of their grenades are crap, their melees are nothing special, they're certainly not the pvp ruling super anymore, arc bolt nerf is plain BS, they had to nerf it by giving it to warlocks so it wouldn't be everywhere. I mean, Titans, how pissed would you be if they nerfed the Lightning grenade to near worthless because they decided to give storm callers the grenade as well? That was what they were going to do originally. Hell, the storm grenade is amazing. It can one shot even and has no target limit, as long as something is in its radius, it will get hit. Unlike arcbolt which has a limit of 3. I mean, hunters have nothing going for them over the other classes. Sunbreaker and Stormcaller are still ruling the zone. Sunsinger has amazing neutral game and radiant skin is crazy strong, it trumps blade dancer regularly.
Of course there's always "Git Gud Scrub" but in pve and pvp, hunters don't have much. Golden gun can barely handle trash mobs. Challenge last week was hell for hunters because practically all their grenades are crap. Hunters have some decent melees but throwing knife is nothing crazy, backstab is nice, and a smoke bomb... I guess that's cool if you like having to use a grenade melee combo to guarantee the kill. Hunters don't need much help to be decent, but they definitely need some help.
I'll probably get a lot of hate for this because no one likes hunters, or hunters asking for any sort of buff, it's not that hunters are absolutely crap or anything, but Destiny used to be a lot more fun when things were less complicated between nerf after nerf, restriction after restriction, taking away elemental weapons and weapons people actually liked. Anyways, the topic has turned into a rant but please let me know what you think and say whether you think hunters could use a little love. They were on top and everyone hated them, but now they're flat bottom. Don't hunters deserve a chance too? Pliz. Let's put the salt aside and pioneer for buffs instead of nerfs. All the things that made the game fun are gone because of all the whiners and this is what we're left with, a bland game. Raid weapons are nothing special. Pvp is try hard haven and has experimental connection. Factions take forever to rank. Nightfall aren't even worth doing anymore, nor are they any fun like back in the fate bringer arc burn days. Hand cannons still have hit connection issues, which is really bad since the last word just got another nerf. Let's try to get back to the good old days, because I think we were all having more fun completely wrecking mobs over pumping everything we have into a bullet sponge. It's like the game is unempowering. Instead of harder content they went with player restriction. Synthetic difficulty. Idk, this has gone on long enough, sorry for this all. Thanks.
Tl;dr: the game has become too much about player restrictions and nerfs. Instead of giving players weapons they feel empowered by, such as old raid weapons/Gjallarhorn/icebreaker (op or not, it was more fun), the content has become bland. Weapon balancing and player restrictions are killing the game by making the player less powerful rather than making the game more difficult.
Sorry if this comes off as whining but I think many would say vanilla destiny, or year one, had a much more lighthearted feel to it than it does now. Some may like the new meta and weapon variety is definitely higher, but instead of making every other weapon as bad as the others, like raid weapons better than most exotics for pve, just give exotics elements. I think people would be much more psyched for that. Anyways, these forums are vicious and I expect the hate but you have to admit that year one was great times and year two has some great elements, but if the two were combined the game could really become great again.