originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
Where is "home" exactly? I've been kind of interested in where you come from... And how you got here.
Imagine a small planet covered entirely with jungle ... With little water plants prey on eachother and whatever animals come near them ... that's my home ... And I got bored so I had a huge bean stalk launch me into atmosphere in a pod full of my planets seeds ... Then I drifted here when ninja first started up the dojo
Not the weirdest Origen story, but, it's up there. Me? I was a God, but my life was awful, and I was barely able to survive, and then I let a few friends leave the underworld alive, and my dad was PISSED! So he made me a mortal on the life of my Mom, bless her soul. 30 years later, I joined here.
I've been free all of my life ... I've never had a superior
Really? No predators that threaten to slaughter you every day?
... Plant man fears none
I wish that was me... My father is here, and I feel he would try and kill me