I know the title may be inflammatory to some, so I'll start by saying I love the destiny community and usually have no issues.
Anytime I raid with a team that's over 50% strangers I always wind up getting kicked. Regardless of my K/d, light, dps or general wipe-causing--blam!-ups I'm always the one kicked.
Am I being paranoid? Or am I being penalized for bing a girl?
They are probably so unused to seeing women they just assume you're a "squeaker".
Well you don't see many gamergurls around and usually when you see a girl tryna play it's like us she legit? Or just another girl that sucks at games and just plays with her female
You sound like a kid maybe.
You're probably sh!t
If you're on the ps4 and need a union biased group that knows what they are doing add me and drop in my wife plays and we all have a great time
I can only speak for myself in this situation with that being said there are those on the LFG that are absolute ass hats but my personal experience is girls are easier to run with, why I don't know, haven't really thought too deeply about it. Year 1 my first crota run and I go to LFG and get invited by a girl who ends up being a better teacher than half the guys I personally know and has become my go to for weekly runs (if she is available for them). Year 2 my first run in CoE and I go to LFG and get an invite from a "younger" sounding girl and she is as good as other players I have on my friends list and. Also year 2 trying to get Black Spindle I go to LFG for help and get into a fireteam with a British chick and she carries both me and the other guy to the boss fight. My lesson girls can be better than some guys, my personal $.02 though.
Eh, lots of people are stupid. That's why I never go in with randoms. Or rather, I don't do it unless it's an absolute last resort. I wouldn't really remove anyone unless they were real arseholes. Can't do a Raid really if we're fighting each other rather than the actual enemy. [spoiler]Anyways, back to the point. There will be people who act negative for stupid reasons. Try to make sure you know what you're dealing with before joining them.[/spoiler]
I actually prefer playing with girls a lot of the time since most of the time they're less stressed out by the game
Edited by Hondaenthu93: 4/29/2016 4:20:17 AMParanoid. Actually I don't put anything past lfg groups... I would suggest just looking for sherpas. There's plenty of us out there willing to help. And they go into it with patience, expecting to have some issues, but will be pleasantly surprised when you actually do know all the mechanics. Just say you've never done it before, then they'll be like damn this girls good! Lol
Yeah sadly. Whoever lead was probably a 8 year old boy and didn't want to catch cooties....
I personally never had this problem, I did come across plenty of rude/inappropriate guys, but I never got kicked. But I did know what I was doing and never was the problem. I noticed recently that people only want experienced players and don't tend to want or invite people who aren't because they don't want to waste time, I'm not sure how much experience you have with the raids, but people don't usually just kick for no reason D:
Not gonna lie, I was quite unsure of where you were going with that title. First thing that came to mind was that scene from RvB: Sister: "Seriously, what the -blam!- are girly laps!?" Back to getting on point, it sounds like you're running into the jerks that litter Destiny. There are some decent fireteams out there who care less about who your are, but from time to time you'll find rotten apples. Just try to find a decent group of players or a friend who you can join up and play with comfortably and it'll all go swimmingly from that point onwards.
People are assholes if you got into a raid team with me and you held your own knew what you were doing and pulled your weight you'd be just fine oh and own up to your own mistakes
Quit fukking up, stop blaming your gender for your problems. I get kicked for screwing up too but I don't blame it on being a guy. Maybe you're also not chill in a party? You bust balls for funny jokes? Ever think of that as a problem too?
From all the groups I've been in, and now all my friend groups, gender has never been an issue. And we also don't ever kick people, we're not elitists. Sounds like the wrong kind of people to be with, no matter the skill level of all involved. Also personally, if I need to find a random(s) raid group I go to The 100 instead of LFG. People seem to be far kinder and happier (if you don't join an elitist group of course!) Might even find some more people to add to your friends list, that's what I did Shout if there's any questions
People suck
Same thing happens to me and I'm a dude. I think we are in the same boat. We end up with ragers, quitters, the impatient, or the worst...elitists. When I raid I double up on ass armor... Eventually that boot is comin.
Stop playing with Randos as they are unpredictable it's best to go with them when [b]literally all of your friends are preoccupied[/b] and even then you're better off making new friends
You're being paranoid a little. Maybe some 12 year old will kick you for being a girl, but let's be real, he doesn't want cooties. Most of the time though, they will just kick to make room for a friend or are just looking for a carry. Just remember if you ever hear "You got me killed" when you weren't even close to them, they're just a bk with no skill looking for a carry. I got booted from a hard raid attempt because I wasn't 320, I was 317 and 4 of the team were below 310.
Aww that sucks. Need a new friend to raid with? If you want ill add you
Usually most guys are more forgiving towards females. You might actually be bad lol
This thread is just pure attention whoring. That being said, I wouldn't kick anybody because I know how it feels. I know how it feels getting to Oryx in the raid then never being able to finish it. It's not fun getting kicked or excluded, everybody deserves to finish it.
The comments lol *cringe intensifies*
If feel like this is their thought process... "Girl. girl. Girl. That mean opposite gender. Oh piss....oh piss...kick...only way....no able handle other gender interaction."
My two cents would be that they either wanted to make space for some one or you were bad and messing up.
Edited by Insanescrewhead : 4/29/2016 3:25:37 AMYou're just raiding with the wrong type of people thats all although there may be more guy players I've seen my fair share of girls on this game playing just as good or even better.