This is not a nerf post, I just want to know what weapons I can use to make my crucible experience more fun.
Edit: First time I made it to trending, omg guys <3
Edit2: Holy shit 1000 comments!
Edit3: More then 2k comments.
Im not telling
The First Curse is something I didn't expect to use a lot in Crucible but I've been loving it. It's hard to use though, miss even a single shot and you may as well consider yourself dead. However, get that perfect 3 shot kill and it feels super satisfying!
Hakkons Hatchet,Red Spectre and Soulstealers Claw..
Suros dis-47
Eyasluna with smalbore
lord high fixer or tlaloc
Suros regime baby!
NLB Imago Loop Righteous VII First Curse Hawkmoon Bad Juju Eyasluna
Zarinea-D Hard Light Hawkmoon
Hawkmoon, monte carlo and the variks pulse rifle.
Universal remote ftw! And the villainy is nice. And Hawkmoon.
Op's mom
I <3 Grasp of Malok
All mine
I use the Hawksaw Though im more the Scout-Rifle user I fell in love with the Hawksaw within the first game with it... But the current IB AR is amazing too
an answering chord on my main account and antipodal hindsight on my second account
hawksaaaaw, grasp & juju :D
Finnala's Peril
Satierenne Rapier with explosive rounds and perfect balance.
Uffern HC4, Badger CCL, Haakons Hatchet, Satrienne Rapier. I don't like playing the meta. It takes all the fun out of PvP
Last extremity/cocytus sr4
Bad juju
Red Specter
Suros ARI-45
Finalas, first curse, monte carlo, hawkmoon, one of the new scouts from variks (idk the name), etc. i'll use just about anything i guess, but i mainly prefer hand cannons. Really want a jade rabbit but rng is pure evil (even on ps4)
When I get home from work, gonna try my new Soulstealer's Claw that I got from Variks this morning :)