This is not a nerf post, I just want to know what weapons I can use to make my crucible experience more fun.
Edit: First time I made it to trending, omg guys <3
Edit2: Holy shit 1000 comments!
Edit3: More then 2k comments.
God roll Suros dis 47. On my Titan.
Lord high fixer
Anything I want to be honest. Hell I was even using Vex for fun the other night. It's not always about winning.
Finnali's Peril
Hard light and it is a beast
Arminius D
Pdx I still get penalized for using something similar to haksaw just kidding. I've been using quite a variety it's been fun.
Hung Jury
Final Duty
Best gun (well besides doctrine that I don't have) is Hung Jury.
Ace of Spades or Grasp of Malok.
ToM, Lethe noblesse, her mercy.
Queenbreaker. I know its a special, ut i use it more than my primary.
Smite of Merain and Bad Juju
I like pulse rifles, nerwins - grasp - Villany, etc
Malok. Haven't put it down since I dropped it.
Check my hunter
Most fun is NLB nothing beats having the word Master on the corner of your screen lol
Grasp of Malok
Grasp of malok, and I just got a god roll soulstealer's claw last night. Let the salt begin.
I use the hawksaw.
Edited by Lord Touch Me: 4/29/2016 2:16:27 PM[quote]This is not a nerf post, I just want to know what weapons I can use to make my crucible experience [b]less fun[/b].[/quote] Fixed it for you. Also I just use the meta in PVP and use my Lethe Noblesse in PVE since I'm not putting myself at a disadvantage.
Nirwins, Colovances, Lyudmilla, Her Memory (my favorite right now) When I can get its attack up I'll probably add my Dis-43 in there.