This is not a nerf post, I just want to know what weapons I can use to make my crucible experience more fun.
Edit: First time I made it to trending, omg guys <3
Edit2: Holy shit 1000 comments!
Edit3: More then 2k comments.
I was running Hard Light in IB last night and had some decent rounds with it. It's a fun gun to use and doesnt have the damage drop off at long range. Plus, i like to think that it distracts the enemy players (but unfortunately distracts my teammates too). Despite the screen shaking when using Hard Light, it's probably the most comfortable auto rifle for me to use...but just a personal preference. I primarily use auto rifles, so other good options that i've had success with are the Haakon's Hatchet, Red Spectre, Paleocontact (Dead Orbit auto), and even the Zhalo.