originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[b]As you dash forward Stratos erects a massive metal wall close to him, and swings his sword across the top, anticipating that you will jump over it.[/b]
Edited by DigitalNinja: 4/29/2016 5:16:50 PM[b]I manage to duck down at the last minute, cutting my arm in the process. My swords switch from lightning to heat, and I try to burn a hole in the wall.[/b]
[b]As the two colossal pieces of metal strike (my sword and the wall), they shower down sparks, obscuring your vision of the sky briefly. Stratos sees your blades poke through the wall and slowly backs up, holding the blade high like a fencer.[/b]
[b]I am disoriented for moment, which slows my progress somewhat as I cut a hole through the wall[/b]
[b]He holds his stance, awaiting you to pop through.[/b]
[b]The wall gives way, and I thrust through, both swords aimed at you[/b]
[b]Stratos keeps the sword pointed towards you, not worried that your reach will overtake that of the massive sword, and makes a quick jab as you draw near.[/b]
[b]I slide under it, and force it upward using my swords. I am still disoriented from the sparks.[/b]
[b]The stance allows Stratos to easily drop the point of the sword down, catching you further up the blade on the edge. The blades glance away from my body, but leave noticeable scarring[/b]
[b]Given little other option, I continue trying to push your sword upward, as begin standing up. I am cut in the shoulder by the tip of your blade[/b]
[b]The blades find their marks, cutting sizzling grooves in Stratos' body. Stratos kicks your chest and pushes off, back stepping. He brings the point in front of you and jabs again. [/b]
[spoiler]Sorry for the delay.[/spoiler] [b]I try to block, but the sword hits it's mark, and the cut on my shoulder is widened further, causing my left arm to be impaired somewhat. My swords switch back to lightning, and I try to send a bolt of electricity up your weapon[/b]
[b]The electricity travels quickly through Stratos' frame, briefly stunning him[/b]
[b]I use the opportunity to run forward, and try to stab you with my right sword. The cut in my shoulder starts bleeding[/b]
[b]Without the swords enchanted cutting properties from the heat, the sword glances off of the metal core without doing much visibly. Stratos recovers from the stun, unfolds his wings and flies upwards.[/b]
[spoiler]Hey, did my reply go through?[/spoiler]
[b]I stumble backwards, and watch you take off[/b] ... Hm. [b]I switch back to fire, and heat the ground, creating a mist. I try to hide myself in it while you are in the air [/b]
[spoiler]sorry I needed sleep.[/spoiler] [b]Stratos waits for a bit, then falls out of the sky feet first slamming down, attempting to stun, then sweeps in a wide circle with his sword to increase the chances of him hitting you.[/b]
[b]I jump at you and try to stab your back, but my attack is deflected by your swing.[/b]
[b]he turns to the sound of the connection and makes a lunging sweep through the smoke.[/b]
[b]I dive to the side to try to avoid the sword, and hide myself in the mist[/b]
Edited by Stratos: 5/1/2016 1:15:02 AM[b]Stratos holds the sword high, then pauses, lowering it in one hand.[/b] [i]Stop playing games...[/i] [b]He raises his free hand and fires a laser from his palm in a broad sweep into the mist.[/b] [spoiler]Shouldn't hurt much, not holding it over you.[/spoiler]
Edited by DigitalNinja: 5/1/2016 1:25:22 AM[b]The laser disburses the mist, revealing myself, standing (with minor damage from the laser across my chest) in front of you, both swords heated, and my armor flaming.[/b] Then let's finally finish this. [b]I charge forward[/b] [spoiler]Lets pick the fight up a little. Pants is apparently going to call it off tomorrow [/spoiler]
[i]Alright then.[/i] [b]Stratos unfolds his wings again, and a faint humming can be heard. Stratos tosses the sword aside, where it sticks with its point in the ground, dozens of constructs unfold and materialize across his frame, ranging from spikes to rocket pods. Stratos leaps up with his wings and slams down, shaking the earth.[/b]
[b]I stop running, and stab my swords downward to brace myself, then resume my charge. The fire grows brighter[/b]
[b]Two pikes extend from Stratos' forearms boasting wicked barbed points, amidst a thunderous cry, he swings them together in an upwards arc to meet you. [/b] [i]AAAARRGH[/i]