Bramd - old
Not many do. What do you want, dad? [i]To talk to you, concerning this place.[/i] *Mortar grows silent* Very well. You may enter. -
*she says nothing but keeps watchful eye as they talk*
Bramd - old
Oh, I'm sorry, Leyla, Did you need anything? -
"Im fine i just dont trust him thats all" "Plus i dont feel right leaving you alone with him" *all the time she has been to mortar he gaze is focused on his father*
Bramd - old
I think I'll be fine. Plus, if he does become trouble... *holds up sword a little* -
"Ok but not letting you be alone with him he might do something underhanded" shes says.
Bramd - old
Okay. But could you watch from a distance? This conversation is... Private -
"Fine as you wish " she says. *she transforms in a huge dark blue dragon with tiny silver scales doting her body and flies away to a far off hill* *she just watches you from that hill*
Bramd - old
*they start talking, Mortar seems frustrated* -
*she just lays down watches them* *this probably gonna end badly.*she thinks to herself
Bramd - old
*You see Mortar getting more agitated and swings his sword around, then stops and continues talking* -
*she just watches them closely*
Bramd - old
*They seem finished with their conversation. Mortar dissolves into the ground, and his father walks through the gates, head turning now and then* Okay, you're good. *you turn around to see Mortar behind you* -
*she can sense thats something is wrong but she says nothing* "So what did he want?"she asks
Bramd - old
He wanted to see the dojo, see if it's a threat to him. -
"Hmm i see"she says "I have a bad feeling about him" *im glad he gone back what if he comes back and the next time he doesn't leave peacefully" she thinks to herself* *she becomes lost in thought as she forgets that he there for second*
Bramd - old
Umm... You okay? Don't worry. He's just looking around the dojo, and he's just talking with some people, now I hear it. -
"Hmm oh ah yes im fine just thinking" *she stands up *
Bramd - old
Yeah... Maybe shouldn't have let him in there... -
"In where ?"she asks
Bramd - old
See him over at Maya's tea place? *points over at Maya's tea place* -
"Hmm i didn't think he would be a tea person he looks drinker" "But then again i have never drank alcohol" "What do you think he's doing in there?" She says
Bramd - old
He may just be talking... They do have alcohol... They may even have some Holy Shit... That's not good -
"Who is a mystery lets just hope he's being civil
Bramd - old
I hope...