How are your servers still terrible? I am connected to my xbox with an ethernet cable straight from my router and have 90mb/s download speed and a 15mb/s upload speed. I can literally do anything on my pc instantaneously and your servers still disconnect me in pve when I'm soloing a mission and you tell me to check my internet connection so I do and my wifi is still pulling 40+mb/s, my internet isn't the problem. Your servers are. I just came back from 6 months of not playing because you finally came out with a good free update and yet you still haven't changed anything. I can run MMO's on the highest settings and yet I get on a game I've played since release that's been around for two years and it's worse than it was two years ago. Guess I'll wait for the next update unless it costs money because now I know you aren't interested in improving the quality of your game. You aren't reinvesting your earnings to upgrade you're equpiment you're just pocketing it and coming out with bare minimum patches to keep people interested so that you can fulfill your 10 year contract with activision. Guess I'll go back to building my new desktop so that I don't have to play on pathetic servers anymore. I guess I should complain to Microsoft as well since they are almost equally liable.
Bungie is falling apart, you are 100% correct