The third option is for people who know me and for me to see results.
Hmm... Interesting...
Lol this is still going
Don't wanna let this die, huh?
Heh, bungie's favorite number...
awesomeDaniel10... Why? Oh well, I guess this'll keep going...
You asked for this.
Mega bump
Hii ^-^
I like it. How about a faction war crucible playlist. 3 teams of 3 Matchmaking would probably take longer but FWC vs DO vs NM would be awesome and drops would be faction specific.
Damn this post has changed more times than I've changed my under wear @_@. [spoiler]jk jk[/spoiler]
Bump. Bump. Bump.
Honestly, the factions are just additional vendors. They dropped the ball because it could have been so much more.
Muted fgt
Even if there was just a tally that showed which faction had the most kills or crucible wins, that would be great.
Yes i would like faction wars.
Why not?
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sounds like a ripoff from runescape.
And another one
Tmw i don't know you but hi anyways
Dammit Violet am I gonna have to go get the spray bottle again?! Now git, go on git!
Wow I'm shocked with how many players said yes lol smh. I always supported them but if it turns to pay to win -blam!- it I'm out.
[spoiler]necrobump because you asked for it[/spoiler]
Bumpy bumpy bump
Gonna just bump this up!
I will continue supporting them if they add banjos
I paid for the game. Does that mean I can win now?
The percentages add up to 101%. The poll was edited on May 1. There are 3 instances of the number 1. A triangle has 3 sides. Guess who's symbol appears to have a triangle in it... [spoiler]Illuminati confirmed[/spoiler]