Let me start off by stating the situation
I got queenbreaker's bow year 1 in PoE back in January on my Hunter (so obviously this is before the April update) and loved the gun. I used it on all characters that it was useful for (the level 20-ish area) and fully upgraded it. Unfortunately, I had to put it in storage because it wasn't useful anymore for PvE and I didn't do a lot of PvP. Imagine my surprise when I learned that there was a year 2 version! I was super happy! So like always, I grabbed my year 1 version, headed over to the exotic blueprints and noticed that more specials were added except... YEAR 2 WASN'T UNLOCKED. I even checked the year 1 section to make sure the game knew I had it and yes, it did.
Here's what I've tried:
*Equipping it on all characters and checking the blueprints, even when the gun is fully upgraded
*Buying another copy of the gun in year 1 from the blueprints in hoping it was just some sort of minor bug
*Leaving the tower, moving it in and out of storage, moving it over to other characters, and resetting Destiny itself
*Waiting a period of time to see if the game was just acting funny, then checking it.
Result: Nothing changed. I still have to "discover" it again even though I have it on me as we speak.
PLEASE patch this. This is my favorite fusion/sniper rifle and I absolutely would love to use it again.
Oh, and since RNG's always suck for me (I never get exotic specials) the chances of me getting another any time soon are piss poor.
So You have to do Challenge of elders apparently Screw that. Really. I absolutely HATE prison of elders. It's the most BORING thing ever. Guess I'm never getting that gun again. I could care less about any other gun... but really? Open your eyes Bungie. This is why people abandoned Destiny.
They announced that not being a bug. Bungie wants players to go earn em again.