**Pure Community stuff like the Forum Ranks/Moderators/MOTW are the only Exception in my view**
Remember the days, where you bought the game, and were able to get all the content within by playing the game. You bought Skyrim and Played the hell out of it, and was able to earn Daedric Armor. You bought Halo, and had access to all the emblems. Simple stuff, you buy the game, have access to all the stuff in it. (DLC on Disk is unrelated to Topic - we're talking about in game items).
Lets start this off.
These are for creativity, personal expression, individuality, or just showing off what looks good. Yet in Destiny they are the complete opposite, you have to go out of your way to get them, (they also have rarity... which is just pointless) when you do get them, everyone else has the exact same one, this is bad for variety sake, before we could customize our emblems that much, symbols, colours. That you were completely distinct from one another...
Now onto Exclusive Emblems. Emblems like Wolfhunter (as backwards as it was for being super specific) at least it was a exclusive emblem you could earn by playing the game. Which is good, Active players had a chance at getting it. However there is a large amount of Emblems that unobtainable in-game. Such as
- These are emblems that I don't see a justified for not being In-Game.
[url=https://i.redditmedia.com/SjYJk6b3ApWKI6Eg_FsAEkQWi3k4QxUeU-Mj0-W0AG8.jpg?w=320&s=d6d5b4fc2b991b4e430e9a5526712209]EarthBorn [/url]- Destiny OST
[url=http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CTOyuj2WwAACa0T.jpg]The Undying Light[/url] - TTK OST
[url=https://i.ytimg.com/vi/9GtRfXNGAh4/maxresdefault.jpg]Pride of Nepal[/url] - Emblem/Shader for Nepal T-Shirt
[url=https://i.ytimg.com/vi/pHtDppE_yE8/hqdefault.jpg]Sign of Duality[/url] - 2015 Guantlet $50 Donation to
[url=https://www.bungie.net/common/destiny_content/icons/fd1cd6cf4478bc7dec7b2b3bfa9d35b4.jpg]The winding Path[/url] - 2016 - Current ^^ $50
[url=https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CDDvf9HWAAEeSRR.png:large]Union of Light[/url] - 2014 E3/Pax
[url=http://i.imgur.com/jEm6Ehx.png]Sign of Unity[/url] - Completely Random event - Bungie Newsletters -
[url=http://i.imgur.com/4eMuXdW.png]The Inner Circle[/url] - Ghost Edition
Vanguard Honour - Pre-order Destiny
Suros Fire - Pre-order TTK
I actually have most of the emblems, or 70%. It's the principle. These are not all the Exclusive emblems, as many have been excluded from this list for being justified community events. Not just selling Emblems like these are.
All of these Emblems are unobtainable in-game, for [url=http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/masseffect/images/5/59/Collector_drones.png/revision/latest?cb=20140628190457]Collectors [/url]this is annoying as hell, as there is no way to get these anymore, you couldn't get them in-game and are now forced to check Bungie.net for this random crap.
I for one am sick of this. In-game content should be achievable In-game, it's a basic principle. If you wanted to get [url=http://www.walldevil.com/wallpapers/w01/519592-battles-energy-guns-halo-hayabusa-pistols-snipers-spartan-swords.jpg]Hyabusa [/url]in Halo 3, you played the game. If you wanted to get the [url=https://designcalavera.files.wordpress.com/2014/01/haunted-helmet-haloreach.jpg]Haunted [/url]helmet, you played way too much Grifball or Cheated - being a Bungie Employee. While there was some Community stuff - Flaming Helmets/Nameplates, if you were a fan, you would already have them, but now you have to pay for in-game emblems, (not content, emblems...), You had to pre-order ODST for SGT Johnson - which was the start of all this BS, (Halo Wars stuff excluded). Then in Reach you had to get the Legendary Edition to get the Flaming Helmet(& Elite Armor). Which was previously reserved for Bungie Employees & Community events. They are literally selling the Community, All the while they Gave out a Blue Flaming Helmet on Bungie day, Which was good. You should be able to buy the game & the DLC, in-game items should [b]not [/b]be locked away to random events/pre-order bonuses. In my view, it's morally wrong, maybe I'm old fashioned for thinking that The Game and DLC/Content should be the only thing paid for, and everything between should be earn-able in-game.
Charity? Some of these things are "rewarded" for donating to Charity, that's a good cause. Yes it is a good cause. But, these emblems/Shaders are Advertised, "receive an emblem for donating $50", so it's just a ploy, to get people to donate for the emblems, not for the cause. While that is a good strat for getting more Donations (that's good, considering the money Bungie is making of RNG Microtransaction/Gambling, this isn't necessary, they could just donate.). A fair, good way of handling this, would be to not Advertise the exclusive content. But give it out as a hidden reward for people giving back to society.
Please be mature, and respectful.
I've been thinking of this thread for quite awhile. Refer to previous threads.
Oh damn, I forgot to add a segment about PS Exclusivity, I best leave that to another thread now.
[spoiler]Ninjas I will move this to Community if you think it's more appropriate there, I would say it's borderline, as it discuss Community/Destiny stuff.PM me[/spoiler]
TL;DR I'm a collector, but I wasn't a serious enough collector to pay money for the thing I collect.