"Point is: I don't fight magicians."
Bramd - old
I'm not a magician. My friend Wit is, not me. If you'd like, I have a friend of mine who has little to no magic whatsoever. -
"Firstly: I call all magic users Magicians. Secondly, if I see him, then maybe I'll fight."
Bramd - old
I think you've seen him before. Crossbow, his name is. -
"Ah yeah, that guy."
Bramd - old
Yup. Behind all that bone, he is just a guy with a crossbow. -
"If I see him, I'll be sure to fight him."
Bramd - old
Cool. Hey, why are there names on your sniper? -
"Ah, these? They're the names of some friends, and employees. Former employee in the case of Jess."
Bramd - old
Employees? The people that made you a... Cyborg? -
"No, that's another story entirely. I run a galactic PMC, these are the generals that work for me. Known them my whole life."
Bramd - old
Okay. The only industry I've run was crushing skeletons with a mortar and pestle. I hated doing that... -
Bramd - old
No. Brute force