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5/1/2016 8:16:45 PM

The Taken Spring - Thank You!

I'm a Day One player with a modest friends list and a few good hours into Destiny over the past 19 months. After playing all of the Year One content and acquiring the Moments of Triumph banner for that content cycle, I enjoyed The Taken King, but found myself disinclined to play much past last November after struggling to complete King's Fall, and struggling to level up with the drops I got there. I stalled out at LL 306 after three weeks of disappointing trips through King's Fall. I logged back into the game after hearing that major changes had arrived with the Spring Update, and I just wanted to say how much I'm enjoying the updated experience. I've made it to LL327 in abojt 12 days, have finally been able to start my Dead Orbit exotic cloak quest, and have finished a pair of very enjoyable King's Fall raids. The new "chroma" gear is a fantastic collection to go after (and it looks amazing), and being able to play through the Prison of Elders again has just been a blast with its new challenges. I even have been doing decent in the Iron Banner this week, thanks to the more progressive and generous loot system. So a big thanks to Bungie, their community outreach staff, the developers who have created this excellent update, and their willingness help the game get ever better and more inclusive for players of all sorts. I'm looking forward to once again reaching the LL cap this summer, and I'm looking forward in no small way to what Year Three holds for my guardian. Sincerely, valhallaVANDAL

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