[u]Po looks at you confused.[/u] Then what stabbed you?
Bramd - old
I let the Deity kill me to get into Mental state. He then saw me fight it there and tried to beat it, then passed out here. -
[u]Po nods understandingly.[/u] That makes sense. Sort of.
Bramd - old
I'm not 100% sure what made him pass out, he's strong enough to resist that... Maybe Heio did something..? -
Edited by Pofeh: 5/2/2016 5:55:34 PM[u]Po looks at you confused.[/u] Who's heio?
Bramd - old
A panther with awesome bat wings -
[u]Po raises his eyebrows in surprise.[/u] And what motive would something like that have for knocking Deity out? I mean, wouldn't it be preoccupied with doing other things?
Bramd - old
You'd be surprised what little will you have when you're the pet of the "true God"