Lol! Sadly Destiny is the only online game outta the 100 I've played that gives me a f*ckin red bar.
Maybe its the only online game you play that has a peer to peer connection......... Destiny connects you directly with other players and you play without a server..... other games host servers where all play....
P2p connection games generally have better connections...except destiny P2p games are supposed ( and remember I'm saying supposed not always)to match you with people with good Internet or since sbmm came about just anyone in general ( come on we can all agree sbmm was more like 6man stacked team vs 6 solo players).
COD had been peer to peer all the way up to BO2
Very Intredasting..... maybe get rid of your lag cheat exploit?
It does it to me randomly too. Most of the time I'm green, but sometimes I'll be red bar. Every time I'm red bar though, it affects me negatively, so at least I don't get hatemail.
Same's so just started happening in the past month
I think it's because they're noodling around with connections in these updates. Who knows. I just know sometimes it gets so bad I just shut everything off and do something else for a while. Which is probably for the best anyway, hahahaha.