"Its okay let me show you something only few no little about me"
*a memory enters your mind fiuld and clear as day. In the memory it show two little girls no more than being chased and hunted like animals through a town with a mob again people chasing after them one of the girls enters a open door. Only to find a mother of six children huddle in the the corner. Instead of sending on them their way she hides them for several days until the night fateful when about awakened to screams as the mother tried to protect us and her small children from dragonslayers looking for us. But she wouldnt give us up they started hurting her. Her screams rang through the night as they tortured her. The two looked at the other kids cowering and crying but they couldn't take it anymore so they jump out and let them take them to protect the mother. Then vision fades from your mind*
"You say have lost but i have lived a lot longer and seen more than you can possibly understand "
"You say you have lost your parents but as least you know both of them. my mother died bringing me into the world"
*with that she flies off*
"You will never fully understand this dragon's heart" she says
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