originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[b]Then you haven't seen him as a child. Puberty worked better on him than others.[/b]
Hey, look at that, you're actually talking to her!
*Wit stops mid conversation, realizing what he's doing, then has a big grin on his face as he continues*
[b]He may not be THE strangest, but he's up there.[/b]
"Hmm is that so..." "Well you should've seen what i looked like when i was kid although i shouldn't say kid though it took me a while to get a hold transforming into my two other forms." "boy was that hard to explain to people as a kid why i didn't like being in water but was always seen wearing soaked clothes or when i would fall into the water and transform right away"
[b]Yup, that's weird...[/b]
"Yeah but it comes with territory being mixed like am i" "But it definitely has its perks though"
[b]Like being able to swim?[/b]
"That a given seeing how im half mer" "That and i can fly in my other form" "Im half dragon too" "I spend some time in each form"she says
[b]Very strange... Have you ever seen others like yourself and your sister?[/b]
"eah i have big sister who just like me but my father is not"
[b]And, your mother?[/b]
*she pauses for a second* "She died bringing me into the world" "So i never knew my mother"
*He is silent a moment* [b]I'm so sorry.[/b]
"It okay" "It was along time ago"
*Wit holds his head down, and Mortar puts his arm around him and whispers something in his ear. When Wit looks up, he looks a little less guilty* [b]So, um, how did you get here?[/b]
"Mortar brought me here"
[b]Um... I mean how did you get to the dojo?[/b]
"I just wander here through my travels"