Regulates your speed? That sounds awful. Should switch when your contracts up for sure.
Few times my provider was having problems and I had 1mb down with 8 mb up and 54% packet loss. Couldn't even watch Netflix lol
[quote]Regulates your speed? That sounds awful. Should switch when your contracts up for sure. Few times my provider was having problems and I had 1mb down with 8 mb up and 54% packet loss. Couldn't even watch Netflix lol[/quote] I have Comcast Xfinity, they don't hide the fact that they do it either, but most people don't realize it. When you reach X% of whatever amount of data they consider "the ceiling" you get flagged and they throttle you back... I forget what they call it, but it gets around some regulation the FCC passed last year to prevent it. It's still a better option than Century link in my area.
That is very odd I have xfinity myself and I don't think that's ever happened to me. Might look into this more thanks for the info
[quote]That is very odd I have xfinity myself and I don't think that's ever happened to me. Might look into this more thanks for the info[/quote] It's called "Fair share congestion management."