[u]Balthazar spins around onto his back, grabbing your foot and throwing you away from him. His faceplate is scratched from the fall. He gets up and dusts himself off.[/u]
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
*I flip midair and land on my face* *I get up quickly, My left eye black* -
Edited by Pofeh: 5/3/2016 9:05:28 PM[u]Balthazar aims his arm cannon at you again, smiling. [/u] Boom baby. [u]Instead of going off, a click can be heard.[/u] Did this thing just...? [u]He slams his fist, trying to eject the faulty shell.[/u]
Edited by BrandRobKus: 5/3/2016 9:03:37 PMBrandRobKus
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
*raises an eyebrow* *he chuckles, then quickly runs up to you and trips you. He winces in pain* -
Edited by Pofeh: 5/3/2016 9:05:47 PM[u]Balthazar falls onto his back. He grasps frantically, grabbing your ankle and gripping onto it with a force of two tons per square inch.[/u] [spoiler]When you realize you accidentally used Po and not balthazar[/spoiler]
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
[spoiler]that's the second time.[/spoiler] *I dissolve through you into the ground, it feels weird* *I stand ten feet away from you* -
[u]Balthazar pulls himself up onto his feet.[/u] I've fallen over a lot in this fight. [u]His armor shrinks back into his pacifist form. He draws the whip and fully extends it, waving it back and forth. He dashes at you, swinging the blade at your legs.[/u]
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
*you catch my ankles, and I fall over* Great, now I know how you feel. *I get up and jump on your back, punching at the side of your head. It is more obnoxious than destructive* -
[u]Balthazar's head spins around in it's socket.[/u] Boo! [u]Balthazar starts to grope around on his back, trying to grab you and throw you off.[/u]
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
*I hang on like a tick. I take my sword, now a small hammer, and smash it against your head before rolling off* -
[u]Balthazar staggers a bit. A large dent can be seen in the back of his head.[/u] This fight is going nowhere. Let's amp it up, shall we? [u]Balthazar's armor slides out. He draws a massive chain-sword from his back, the blades spinning blindingly fast. He charges at you, taking a massive swing at your upper torso.[/u]
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
Well... It went nowhere for you... *Mortar's limbs become longer, stronger. Three arms protrude from his back, attached to them, a Mortar.* *Your blade penetrates my sleeve, leaving a large gash on my arm* *I punch your face* -
[u]Balthazar is launched backwards from the force of the blow. He skips across the ground, slamming into a wall. As he gets up, his face is smashed in and the glass visor is completely smashed. His head is stuck tilted back from the force of the blow.[/u] That's more like it! [u]He charges at you, sliding at the last moment through your legs. He swings his sword at one of your ankles, trying to sever the muscle.[/u]
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
*I try to dodge, but you end up giving me a Vasectomy.* Damn, Now I have less balls than Ninja! *I aim my mortar at you like a canon, and fire a few shots of Blue fire around Valhite balls* -
[u]Balthazar reacts slowly due to his visor being smashed. He dodges to the side, but one smashes into his leg, smashing the kneecap. Parts of his leg fall off, revealing damaged servos.[/u] Dammit. [u]Balthazar charges at you again, holding up his sword to deflect oncoming projectiles. He prepares to swing at one of your main arm.[/u]
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
*You hit my left arm, the one with the gash. It is seemingly my main arm because my sword is in my left hand* You are good, but there is something you do not know... I am not left handed. *He tosses his sword from his left arm to his right arm, wincing in pain* -
[u]Balthazar realizes his mistake, then attempts to jump away from you before you can strike him with full force. He moves slower then normal due to the injury in his leg.[/u]
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
*I don't hit you with the sword, but it's flames seem to follow you* Apparently your software doesn't recognize Movie references. -
[u]Balthazar takes up a defensive stance.[/u] I never found it important to learn pop culture. [u]He waits for your attack. [/u]
Edited by BrandRobKus: 5/4/2016 3:08:09 PMBrandRobKus
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
*The flames ignite your leg* Well... It's a nice ice breaker. Kinda like that fire -
[u]Balthazar struggles to put out the flames. He dashes at you, stopping right in front of your chest. His hand retracts, forming the cannon.[/u] Boom. [u]The loud bang sounds, then the explosion can be seen.[/u]
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
*I attempt to catch it, but I am thrown back.* *you see me grow wings, my limbs become larger, stronger. My neck elongates, and my head looks more dragon like* Be honored to witness Bahamortar! -
[u]Po ejects the spent shell, reloading another one.[/u] Well, consider me honored. [spoiler]reloading takes one turn, so this is just him reloading.[/spoiler]
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
*takes sword, much larger now, and tries to swing at your torso* -
[u]Balthzar tries to jump away, but the sword catches his chest. A large amount if metal is torn off, leaving a large gash across his chest. Balthazar summons his two pistols, firing a hail of bullets at your face.[/u]