For all you who dislike the so called "Wombo Combo" ask yourself this, was it really so bad? The nightstalker class was an amazing addition for the Hunter, especially since they lacked what is needed for a so called "PvE class" back in year one. All is good in this subclass but one thing, the grenades! The only somewhat effective grenade is the vortex grenade, and without lockdown it's almost completely useless. Using the smoke grenade (while sacrificing invisibility for poison) [b]with[/b] the vortex grenade made an excellent and effective grenade for a subclass without one.
But at what cost? You have to use both your grenade charge and melee charge, along with a slot that can give your allies bonus armour and recovery, or drop more orbs. To me this seemed like a balanced combo since alone these two grenades were almost completely useless. Especially in a world where both other classes have a grenade that can either one hit you, or cause some serious damage.
Edit: I have no issues with Walocks and their firebolt. For a hunter I am also pro warlock, just though I should clear that up since so many ppl assume I complain about that.
I feel like the only reason the Wombo Combo and Firebolt nades became prominent was because of how much more effective there are in 3v3 matches, especially Trials. Teams usually stick together and try to control a specific area (which is usually not that big) so a well placed grenade could wipe out the whole team. In 6v6 playlists you hardly ever see anyone dominating a match with the wombo combo or being a self rez warlock. Bottom line if this problem only exists in 1 type of game mode and not the Sandbox, maybe the problem is with the game mode.