It is becoming an excuse for evil Many times in history, religion has been used as an excuse for violence. Many terrorists use god as a reason to kill people of a different religion. The crusaders used it as an excuse to murder civilians because they were of a different religion. There have been bloody wars between people of the same religious group (Christian on Christian, etc.). It has even been a reason for genocide. Nowadays, it is also a reason for stupidity and intolerance. Kim Davis uses it as an excuse to discriminate against innocent LGBT people. ISIS kills people because they aren't Muslims. Paranoid people even arrest Muslims for making a clock, because "It looks like a bomb". People even won't believe in simple scientific concepts, such as the world is billions of years old, because of the Bible. Religion is becoming a thing of the past. It must change, or we will get rid of it.
This post was shit, but on the crusades...