originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
*Sketch wakes up lying face down in some bushes near his box.*
"Owww... My head... I feel like.......... Oh my god... Did someone give me alcohol? MAAAY-"
*He starts to shout [i]Maya[/i] but gets cut short by a horrible headache. He is still glowing yellow though.*
"Dont tell she got you drink it too" says serenity. *she holding two giant cups with black coffee in them* "Here man" *sets the coffee at your feet* " oh and have you seen leyla i kinda lost track her during last night" "Man it hurts to think" as she rubs her head
"Thanks." *Takes a sip of the coffee and gags.* "I hate coffee but I think I need it... As for Leyla, I have no idea... I can't remember anything after being forced to drink that radioactive vodka stuff mixed with five different types of tea..."
"I can't even remember last night at all" "Its all a blurr"
"Well, we should start looking for Leyla... You should lead they way, I don't even remember a blur..."
"Yeah ok just let me finish my coffee first"
[spoiler]I've moved this to your post for Leyla.[/spoiler]
Oh okay
Bramd - old
What did you do sketch? *looks in the bush* -
"Maya forced me to drink something alcoholic... I immediately got blackout drunk."
Bramd - old
Try this. *hands you a bottle of green liquid* -
"What does it do?"
Bramd - old
It helps with the strongest of hangovers. Stinks like a bobcat, though. -
"Hey, I knew a bobcat."
Bramd - old
Then you get it. Drink. *gives you the bottle* -
Edited by Doos: 5/3/2016 3:57:38 PM[b]It gets you drunk again in order to fight off the hangover. I wouldn't drink that...[/b]
"No, I wouldn't." *He holds up some photos.* "Dr. Bright gave these to me..."
*Passes by and leaves photos that seem to get only more and more bizzar with each photo viewed. Tips his hat and walks off.*
Everyone had alcohol last night. It was a time for celebration.
(Sketch was forced to drink some sort of weird alcoholic mixed drink. He has almost no alcohol tolerance.)
Sketch done goofed
(He was forced... Maya done goofed.)
(both of them done goofed)
[b]he gets bitchslapped as Jared walks by[/b] "Shut up"
*He doesn't seem to notice that you just slapped him.* "Oh... Hello rude... Person...."
[b]He flips you off and starts walking out the dojo gate[/b] "Tell maya i left to go clear my head"