*she gets to her feet* "Im not really sure why but this the second time he come after me the first time he backed off cause my dad was there." "I heard him mention a gywn but i have never heard of this person before." "I that a dragon took away his loved one but he needs to see that im not that other dragon" *saddness shows in her eyes* " i would never kill someone my father raised me better than that. I just wish he would see im not the monster he thinks i am."
Bramd - old
Gwyn, gwyn, gwyn. The name sounds familiar. Oh, yes! She didn't seem like she didn't want to die, but her last wish was to not let Ornstein die too. She really loved him -
"I see" *she gets lost in thought as she thinks*
Bramd - old
What are you thinking of? -
"Well im just thinking of a way that can show him im not mindless that harms human"
Bramd - old
Maybe... Letting other people, not just him, see that you're passive *looks around* And... Your outburst kind of messed that up -
"Im alot more passive than serenity" "Your right about that" "I feel bad about that"
Bramd - old
It's okay. You can let people know you're one, and let people put bets on you that you won't attack someone? -
"You make a good point " she says
Bramd - old
Or spar with people and not kill them? You know... Not become the scary dragon that Orn sees you as -
"People think im scary?" "But never kill..."
Bramd - old
I said Ornstein, you practically made him die... -
.... *she says nothing but just renains silent*
Bramd - old
I should not have said that. He got what he deserved -
"Its fine" "But i guess just have to watch myself then"
Bramd - old
Maybe... Just show your... Humane? side, and not your dragon side when doing so, and get it in their heads.