[spoiler][b]This is only the first version of this concept. I am open to critique, changes, and errors I made.[/b][/spoiler]
•The first cutsene shows the Vanguard gathered around the table. Commander Zavala plays a translated Cabal recording. "Primus A'aurn, I am not asking you to retreat! I am telling you to regroup! There is a much more important task at hand than those weak Earthlings!"~ Unknown Cabal.
"A team of Guardians on Mars intercepted the one they call 'Primus A'aurn'. At first it seemed Primus A'aurn was just a Cabal commander hiding in Freehold, but this recording gives us insight. The one speaking could be a new Valus. We were unable to trace the signal, we have no idea where the Valus is stationed." says Commander Zavala.
The cutsene ends with the Vanguard thinking about what to do.
•The next cutsene shows you walk into the Hall of Guardians.
"Heeey, pal! Good to see you." says Cayde-6 as he puts his arm around you. "Please get me out of here." he whispers.
"Ahem." barks Zavala.
"Uh, right. We got to talk." says Cayde as he pushes you forward.
"Guardian, we called you here on pressing matters concerning the descovery made by a team of Guardians. Two new Cabal commanders have been reported, we fear there are more. Go to Mars and investigate the new threat. At a worst case scenario, eliminate them." says Commander Zavala as he studies the holo-map of Freehold.
•The last cutsene shows you talking to your ghost as you fly to Mars.
"There were four known Valus's in the Solar System. Ta'aurc, Trau'ug, Tlu'urn, and Mau'ual. If a new Valus has entered the system, they could try to reclaim their hold." says your ghost.
"During the Taken war, the Cabal sent out a distress call to... If the Empire plans a full scale invasion, we will have to warn the Vanguard. First we should make sure those claims of 'a new Valus' is real." says your character.
"Better safe than sorry?" says your ghost.
•Blockade- As you fly to Mars, several Cabal harvesters launch from Phobos. Your team must shoot down the harvesters. Once most of the harvesters are destroyed, the land tank, titled Valus Dau'ual, will start to shoot you down and will spawn Anti-aircraft (AA) tanks. Try to bomb Valus Dau'ual's land tank, but watch out for the AA tanks. Have three Guardians fighting harvesters as they launch from the surface. Have two Guardians distract and destroy AA tanks. The last Guardian can fly over the land tank and bomb it. Do this three or four times to sabotage the land tank.
•Cutsene- You leave Phobos and continue to Meridian Bay.
"The Cabal would have no reason to bring a land tank here unless they are planning an invasion!" exclaims your ghost.
"That tank had red and black markings on it, so did the harvesters. Are there any records of Cabal with those colors?" asks your character.
"No. Nowhere on Mars have they been spotted." answers your ghost.
•Freehold- Your ship drops you off in the city as a building in the distance falls. Rush to where the building fell. Several patrols of Cabal, including three Goliath tanks, are marching through the city. Sneak through the the buildings and avoid detection. Detection will cause the Goliath tanks to attack.
Enter a skyscraper that overlooks the patrol. Split into teams and find different pieces of Cabal equipment. Those being a slug rifle, an energy core, and a target locator. Combine these items to make an E.M.P. cannon. The E.M.P. cannon has a long waiting period after every shot, so be careful. Shoot the third Goliath tank to stop it.
Several Cabal will stop and fight, but the rest will continue. Kill the Cabal and board the tank. One player needs to drive while the other fires the cannon. After hijacking the tank, catch up to the patrol and attack. Once you destroy the first Goliath tank, the second will spin around. This is Valus Va'arn. His is larger and has an arc shield immune to solar and void damage. Use the E.M.P. cannon to bring down its shields (About one or two blasts). While you wait for the E.M.P., arc weapons can be used to help bring down the shield. Once the shield is down, fire on it. Do this until all four engines are destroyed.
•Freehold Station- Chase the remainder of Valus Va'arn's troops to Freehold Station. Once you enter the station, a psychic wall will block your way. It will damage you if you try to enter. Search for the three Psion Sentinels, Kerich, Toyid, and Harrig. They are in a meditative state. (When they float in the air.) Break their meditative state with void damage. Trying to engage one at a time will cause all of them to activate a psychic blast. You must break their meditative state simultaneously. Once they are all dead, the wall will drop.
•Tharsis Junction- Progress down the tunnels to Tharsis Junction. In there, a large phalanx Valus Shau'ul is guarding a hole in the wall. She will walk around like normal a phalanx, but if your team scatters and try to flank her, she will drive her shield into the ground and it will deploy two more plates, both directions adding slight more protection. She will also launch rockets from her back. She can not move in this state, but she has better defense and attack. Keeping her in the "deployed mode" is more time consuming and more difficult, but you can attack from several angles. The alternative is to stay together and shoot around her shield, but she will move around and attack.
•Black Garden- Once you kill Valus Shau'ul, pass through the wall and enter the Black Garden. As you walk, kill small pockets of Cabal before they tap into Vex technology. Once you kill all the Cabal, your team will be teleported to where you fight the Dark Heart. The Cabal turned the shine into a Cabal portal. At the base of it is Primus Rua'al. He is dual wielding heavy slug throwers that are mounted to his arms. His dual heavy slug throwers are powered by a battery on his chest.
The portal will open, bringing in psions. While dodging the barrage of bullets, find the Psion Sentinel to let the E.M.P. cannon charge faster. Kill the Psion Sentinel, so when Primus Rua'al fires, his battery will drain low and he will have no protection. When he is vulnerable, fire the E.M.P. cannon to completely deactivate his armor. Shoot at his helmet.
If the Psion Sentinel is not killed in time, it will form a shield around Primus Rua'al and when his battery runs low, he will be protected.
After this happens twice, his weapon of choice will switch to a rocket launcher. This time, when the Psion Sentinel exits the portal, Cabal legionaries will protect it. Kill the Psion Sentinel to gain E.M.P. energy, and survive the rocket salvo. When Primus Rua'al loses power again, hit him with the E.M.P. Complete this cycle twice.
Once this happens twice, Primus Rua'al will charge you, jump in the air and crash into the ground with a large AoE. This time, two Psion Sentinels appear. Once again, you can't attack both, but you must kill them in a certain amount of time. Gain E.M.P. energy again and shoot Primus Rua'al. Once he is vulnerable, shoot his helmet again.
Finally, several phalanxes and a colossus will cover Primus Rua'al as he tries to send a message to the Empire. Use Right and Left Bumper (R1 and L1) to fire a charged E.M.P. blast at the portal. The portal will suck the Cabal in and collapse on itself.
Star Breaker's Fist(Exotic weapon): https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/198883097/0/0/1
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[i]Keep fighting, Guardians[/i]