Edited by BrandRobKus: 5/4/2016 3:08:09 PMBrandRobKus
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
*The flames ignite your leg* Well... It's a nice ice breaker. Kinda like that fire -
[u]Balthazar struggles to put out the flames. He dashes at you, stopping right in front of your chest. His hand retracts, forming the cannon.[/u] Boom. [u]The loud bang sounds, then the explosion can be seen.[/u]
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
*I attempt to catch it, but I am thrown back.* *you see me grow wings, my limbs become larger, stronger. My neck elongates, and my head looks more dragon like* Be honored to witness Bahamortar! -
[u]Po ejects the spent shell, reloading another one.[/u] Well, consider me honored. [spoiler]reloading takes one turn, so this is just him reloading.[/spoiler]
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
*takes sword, much larger now, and tries to swing at your torso* -
[u]Balthzar tries to jump away, but the sword catches his chest. A large amount if metal is torn off, leaving a large gash across his chest. Balthazar summons his two pistols, firing a hail of bullets at your face.[/u]
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
*I hold my arms over my face, and unleash a hefty breath of fire* -
[u]Balthazar's armor retracts, going into pacifist mode. He slams his plasma shield into the ground, creating a half bubble around him. The flames lick around the side, singeing the back of his body, covering it in soot.[/u] So you breathe fire, eh? [u]Balthazar retracts the shield, firing another shot from his arm cannon aimed at your face.[/u]
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
I spit it too! *I move my now longer neck to the side, then do the robot to stand back up* *I spit at you, and you feel like you're burning* -
[u]As Balthazar reloads he looks at where the spit landed, trying to brush it off.[/u]
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
Oh, I spit it like that too. I originally meant to say that I can rap well. *Tackles you* -
[u]Balthazar struggles to get you off, punching you in the face as hard as he can.[/u] Get... The hell... Off a me!
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
*I flinch, and full on bear hug you, and fly high in the air, ready to drop you* -
[u]Balthazar grabs onto one of your arms, gripping it with a full force of 5 megatons per square inch.[/u] If i'm dropping, so are you! [u]Balthazar shoves the end of his cannon into your stomach, trying to get it positioned as well as he could. Suddenly, you hear a loud boom, and then the cannon fires.[/u]
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
*I flinch, as I feel the cannon ball in my stomach.* *But I persevere, and toss you in the air, catching you with my talons* Look, I consider you a friend, so I'd never purposely drop you from here... But I sure as hell am gonna accidentally do it! -
[u]Po flails around, trying to get a grip back on your arm.[/u] Goddammit. This isn't going to end well.
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
*shakes you violently* -
[u]Balthazar smacks your arms repeatedly, trying to make you stop. His head unsticks, then flies off because of the damage done to him prior to the flight.[/u] Let... Me.... Fall! [u]Balthazar takes out his whip and tries to tear one of your wings.[/u]
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
*I swoop to the side* We can't have that now can we? *I dive down, you in my talons, and you almost hit the ground before I pull up, gliding over the ground, and throwing you in the lake with great speed* -
[u]Balthazar skips across the water, smashing onto land on the other side. As he stands up, you can see he has sustained massive damage. Most of his armor is gone, leaving. The less protective first layer. He reloads his cannon, then pulls out his whip.[/u] Goddamn, that was a strong attack.
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
I just thought you'd fall right in. Damn your aerodynamic form! *Returns to normal form* -
[u]Balthazar's armor remaining armor retracts. Some of it can still be seen under tears in the first layer. He draws his whip and activates his sword, sheathing the chain-sword due to it being to large for this form.[/u] If I sunken under, i would have still been able to function. All of my important parts are run by non-electric sources. [u]He starts to charge towards you, taking advantage of you going back to regular form. He aims a swing at your right arm.[/u]
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
*I use my limp left arm as armor, and I watch it fall off* That's narly. *I use my other fist to grab your hilt and try to disarm you* -
[u]As you grab the hilt, Balthazar lets you take the sword but he slams your face with his superheated plasma shield to knock you away. As he backs away, you hear a loud "pop", and see clear liquid flow freely from one of his kneecaps. [/u] Well, that was bound to happen sometime. No more hydraulic left leg for me. [u]He takes out a small brace and slams it onto his now limp knee, locking it into a rigid place so he can stand up.[/u]
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
*Mortar's face mask has been ripped off now. He has ruggedly handsome features, except for missing a couple teeth, having a broken nose, and a black eye.* Well... Looks like I gotta fix that. *Mortar dissolves into the ground, and forms under you, sending you high into the air. I then take out my custom Magnum and shoot you with it, you begin to feel lethargic in the places I shot you*