originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
(Oh, okay.)
*He kicks you in the guts repeatedly. His the claws on his feet cut you.*
[b]I pull your claws out of my hand and get to my feet. I repeatedly kick you before you can follow me[/b]
*He kicks you in the gut, pushing you back. He stands up.* "Is that the best you got?"
Not even close [b]I put brass knuckles on and raise my fists.[/b]
"Oh, interesting..." *He raises his fists into a guard.*
"Hey you have your claws I have my knuckles" [b]I charge at you and swing a right hook right into your jaw [/b]
*He catches it and elbows you in the jaw.*
[b]My head snaps to the right and I stumble backwards.[/b]
*He waits for you to regain your balance because he's nice like that.
[b]Readjusts myself and prepares to fight[/b] "Thanks"
"FIAAUUUUUUHHHH!!!!" *He attempts to dropkick you.*
[b]I easily dodge it and you fall to the ground.[/b] "I'll wait."
*He curls up on the ground and starts crying.*
[b]My fists fall to my sides and I crouch down[/b] You okay there buddy?
"FAKEOUT!!!!!!!!!!" *He digs his claws into your shoulders and flips you over him, slamming you into the ground.*
[b]As I'm lying on my back I bring my feet over my head and kick you off. I hop to my feet and turn around.[/b] Douchebag
*He shrugs.* "Check for tears... Besides, I don't always fight like that."
Edited by Royal Blade: 5/4/2016 11:17:04 PM[b]I Rush at you while your guard is down and sock you in the face with a right hook [/b] I can play dirty too ya know and what tears?
*He spins around but regains his balance. He spits out a tooth which bounces off the ground and hits you in the eye.* "If someone starts to cry in a fight, check to see if there are tears. And if we are actually going to fight dirty then I can start biting you." *He gnashes his sharp teeth as he uppercuts you.*
[b]Easily dodges uppercut and jabs you in the face[/b] "No we're not playing dirty I just wanted to get you back"
*He stumbles backwards a little.* "Back?" *He punches you in the face and then jumps onto you causing you to fall down backwards. He ends up standing on top of your chest.* "Do you give up? If you try to do anything I'll make you start coughing."
Edited by Royal Blade: 5/4/2016 11:41:58 PM"Yeah, back. You played me with your tears." [b]tries to shove you off[/b] "Guess that's the end of training huh?
*He steps off of you.* "Well it wasn't really training... I guess you could call it practice."
Practice it is [b] Gets up and reaches for a handshake[/b]
*Shakes your hand.*
I hope to see you around [b]the damage I inflicted to the trees is gone and all the trees are back. I walk into the forest [/b]