originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
Nope my light spells don't work as well in the dark
(Slaps self in face)
I Summon a fire whip and hit you with it
*He stops in midair giving you enough time to hit him with the fire whip. He falls to the ground and disappears again.* (Technically you shouldn't have had enough time to summon the whip and swing it... But I like making my fights seem somewhat cartoony.)
Edited by Gigafont: 5/5/2016 1:48:48 AM(I summon stuff fast Ok good) I then set up another bubble shield
*He appears next to you and elbows you in the side of the head. He then disappears.*
Ow! I summon more fireballs
Edited by Skatch142: 5/5/2016 2:10:12 AM*You see him in the light of the fireballs but he jumps into the bushes.* (Sketch only has one actual power but it makes him very hard to fight once it gets dark.)
I light the bushes on fire
*You can see him farther away again but he climbs up a tree. You hear the rustling of leaves again.*
I shoot a stealthy beam of fire I.E it's silent It creeps up Upon you and I burn your left leg
*His left leg catches on fire and he immediately becomes visible in one of the trees. He falls out of the tree and manages to put out the fire. He disappears before you can do anything else.* (I'm not sure if you already know this but Sketch is a hybrid of a cat and a wolf. So his fur is highly susceptible to catching on fire. He does wear a fire-proof duster though.)
(Didn't know that but GOOD) I launch more fire at you, Do you submit?
"Now why should I do that?" *You can't tell were his voice is coming from. One by one the fireballs get snuffed out in mid air.*
Edited by Gigafont: 5/5/2016 10:46:00 AMI create a combination of lighting and fire I launch it in all directions (I may have like a 4 hour delay, I need to go to school I'll respond at lunch)
*Off you your right, the flames stop moving but the lightning keeps moving and he becomes visible as it shocks him. He disappears into the shadows again.*
I shoot a bolt of lightning 90 degrees in the Air, It is getting lighter out
*A sword comes flying out of nowhere, heading towards your leg.*
It hits my leg OWWWW IT BURNS I shoot another bolt of lightning where the sword came from
*It hits a tree but you see a tail moving to the right.*
I cast a detainment spell in the general vicinity of the tail
*It doesn't catch him. The leaves in the trees start rustling again.*
I use my most powerful spell I cast a detainment field across the whole forest I am extremely tired I have enough energy for one more spell...
*Sketch freezes in place in a tree. But not before he threw his sword which is heading straight towards your face hilt-first.*
Oww! I collapse unconscious to the ground due to my weakened state You are freed from the detainment field (You win)
*Doesn't sound very enthusiastic "yaaaaaaaay." *He slowly backs away from the unconscious guy lying on the ground.*
I wake up... Good game You could have at least dragged me inside
Edited by Skatch142: 5/6/2016 12:43:12 AM*He's already gone. You notice a small sign stuck into the ground. It reads [i]But that's no fun... Also, good fight.[/i]*