I am issuing a warning to the Future War Cult that I , after a long campaign of dedicated service will be surrendering my allegiance to the Dead Orbit faction. The matter is not one of ethics or otherwise, but simply because of FWC's failure to supply a scout rifle to their followers. I wish it could be different, but the SR4 supplied by Dead Orbit is far too tempting to go without any longer.
However I do value the advice of the community. Is there a better scout rifle out there?
Edit: Thanks to everyone for the conversation. While we are on the topic of factions I also had my eyes on the sidearm that New Monarchy has for sale. Anybody know about this weapon (know of a better one?)
I defected to FWC from DO for my sweeeeeeeeeeet Hand Cannon. Truesight, Luck in the Chamber, Reinforced Barrel & Firefly~ Also didn't want to hang out with the creeps anymore~
Welcome to dead orbit brother! Anus probing will begin momentarily!
Dude, are you saying that you did not pick up the original hung jury from dead orbit? Well, it's not a total loss, you can grab the equivalent from the gunsmith the next time it comes around. I believe the weapon is the tunella? My apologies if the spelling is incorrect.
Never defect! Instead, get a Tuonela SR4 from the Gunsmith. It's the same archetype as the Dead Orbit scout but can have better rolls and look better. I have one equipped on my 334 Hunter. It has: Life support Extended magazine Firefly The DO scout is now collecting dust in my vault since finding this bad boy.
You're a few weeks too late brother, the vendor god scout is gone.
This may be a dumb question, but why don't you have one character in each faction?
New monarchy... Death to tyrants !!!
Traitor. Of course you will go to the "boohoo life sucks faction". #FutureWarCockForLife
New Monarchy man Not for what they stand for Not for the guns Not for fuzzy titan armor Not for them being way over yonder in the tower ...but for the lone reason of red and white are an awesome color combination :y
Dead Orbit Master Faction
[i]join dead orbit they are much better[/i]
Edited by Benzene21: 5/5/2016 8:14:39 PMDepends on your style and the situations. Hung jury with previous vendor roll is really good, but not the best. For single enemies, especially majors and ultras, the jade rabbit is the best scout rifle in the game. Even in PvP it is still a beast. You can get a kill with 2 body shots and a headshot (scout rifles can have perks that buff damage but they are on a timer and they are very situational).
I work on both FWC and DO alternatively. Depends on my mood for the week. But, who actually uses New Monarchy? I think that guys even more annoying than Rahool.
I miss The Calling. It was my first legendary and it's still in my vault. Honestly, if they had a infusion kit for yr1 weapons, I would buy it for real life cash.
Shit, shoulda switched before update and got the Jury with sweet rolls.
Welcome to Dead Orbit. We have cookies
Yes the raid scout is great especially with life support
I had a NL Shadow 701x with zen moment, armor piercing rounds, and hidden hand and a Saterienne Rapier with zen moment, rifled barrel, and outlaw both drop for me. Honestly, I prefer them both over Hung Jury and I was an avid Hung Jury user for the last 5 months. So unless you're reeaaaallyyy partial to jury for some specific reason, there are plenty of options out there that wouldn't require you to bail on a faction.
Grind Vanguard for a Badger CCL, had one drop with last resort, perfect balance, and outlaw and now it's my go to for 3v3s.
We welcome you into our fold, but once you sign on there is no defecting from DO.
cocytus and tuonela from the gunsmith, saterienne rapier from crucible packages.
I want The Chosen back, best looking Sniper in the game! And The Chance, I want the Chance back too! Damn it Bungie, give us Retro vendor weekends!!!!!!!!