These are some messages I've got before. Damn people can be harsh. And before you assume I started these I did not. They were mad because of how I was playing. They messaged me calling me trash for shadestep glitching (before patch). I then would say "what's shadestep glitch" and that's what triggered them for some reason.
I remember my first hate message, I was doing Iron Banner when a guy sent me a message after the match saying how I was "Hacking" and using "Aimbot" (I was using the Hawkmoon when the 1 shot kill got him)
The report button is a lovely thing.
That last one was a bit far.
I received my 1st hate message in a while during IB. Apparently I was a "lagger" and i was going to be reported, and I was also getting kills from what according to him should be "out of hand cannon range" (it was my Hawkmoon).
Your gay
I mean, you were using thorn and SS glitch...
Thorn is for scrubs.
Yeah, its pretty obvious you started most of those conversations... You're just an abrasive person, you do it for attention... It's the darkness, lol, its got you in its grasp... But I'm a firm believer in the "you do you" and "im gonna do me" philosophy... But hey, now you know, and knowings half the battle...
Play lame=win games Losers will use whatever excuse they can come up with to render your wins illegitimate. If you killed them, it's because you were better.