So I'm just going to put this out there.
The real issue is shitty networking code. Plain and simple.
How many of you pay for high speed Internet only to still red bar sometimes in Crucible? I know I do.
There is not another online shooter out there that has such bad issues with latency.
Considering that most online shooters largely share the same player base, if the lag we experience in Destiny is not affecting other online shooters, it's clear to me that the issue is bungie's shitty networking code.
Blame is not on you as the end user and never should be.
Man......when i'm playing Destiny's PvP, i mostly talk about the connection and the latency lag. I love the game and play it a lot, but i wish Bungie would never made us play PvP. From 2006 i played CoD almost every day and every CoD i had k/d's above 2. BO3 even 2.9 and 4.8 (hardcore). In some CoD's i've experience latency lag, but never like in Destiny. In Destiny i mostly see the enemies MUCH TOO LATE on my screen, so i always loose 1-0n-1 fights. Mostly, the only kills i can make are the kills where the enemies don't see me or they are already damaged. Everybody talks how Doctrine is a good weapon.....not mine. Example 1: When i see somebody (lower light and Doctrine, then me) and on my screen i start shooting earlier, i always loose the fight. At that moment, my 335 Doctrine (Trials) does 40% damage and the enemies kills me like i'm in CoD Hardcore and i have no armor, at all. Example 2: The enemy's Mida kills me with 2-3 hits and my Mida needs 7-8 hits. Many times i get 1-shotted by Mida. The reason: On their screens they already shoot at me and on my screen i don't even see them. The saddest thing is that the most players don't even know what latency lag is.......or they are on the good side of it. I wish Bungie have never made me play PvP! Now sometimes i almost cry from frustration.