[b][u]It was like the Dark Zone?[/u][/b]
Anyway, I'll summarize this idea with some bullet points. READ THE FIRST POINT DAMMIT.
-This is a new gamemode
-All enemies are light level 320 and are all yellow bars
-PvP will be enabled
-Killing a guardian will cause a legendary engram to drop
-If you fire on another Gaurdian, you are marked as a public enemy for 3 minutes for each kill
-You can only go to orbit at those areas that look like they should have been spawn locations
-If you die, you either have to wait to be resurrected or respawn at one of the locations mentioned above
-All engrams collected are dropped when you die
-Collected engrams are put in a special place in your inventory that can hold up to 10 engrams
-[b]Edit[/b] light level advantages/disadvantages work the same as in trials and Iron Banner.
-[b]Edit[/b] Synths will not be able to be used(credit to Flewhid)
-[b]Edit[/b] Fireteam members are alway friendly(credit to plasmastorm12)
-[b]Edit[/b] If you turn off your console, all loot you were holding is lost(credit to AlbertEinstein)
That's the gist of it. If you have any questions, type at me.
Why is there a console in your kitchen?