In order to regulate the increasing flow of illegal Destiny immigrants, I propose we create a citizenship test. I will make a list of questions/requirements and add more over time. Please feel free to add.
1. What is the supreme meme of the land?
2. Are you a Desticle?
3. How long is your schlong?
4. Are you an angsty teen?
5. Are you an angsty preteen?
6. Who is Recon?
7. Are you willing to participate in salty religious and political debates?
8. Is your hairline of average height?
9. Do you believe in your lord and savior Lenny?
10. Are you a hardcore leftist or rightist who probably has hardly any knowledge of politics?
11. Who is the Zodiac Killer?
12. What is in 19 days? (as of May 4)
13. What is the secondary religion of Offtopic?
14. Are you a filthy Swede?
15. What edgy athiest likes trannies?
16. No furries allowed whatsoever. If you fail this requirement you fail the test and will be shot on sight.
Edit: you don't have to answer all of them, it was just a hypothetical document.
More questions:
17. What do you do with a 3-answer poll?
Is Dire Dragon your one and only favorite dragon?