originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[i]That is interesting[/i]
*Cyan holds up her arm, and a blueish cat with wings and a fish tail lands on it*
I have a flying friend too.
"Check mine out" *she blows her whistle and solid black two headed the size of bobcat appears within five minutes it lands on her shoulder* "Dont be rude nightshade say hello" she say. *you feel something touch at your mind* -hello im nightshade its a pleasure to meet you- "Nightshade is from the island i grew up on"she says
Bramd - old
[i]Interesting. We came from the south, there were many factories over there, and my friend who I have yet to name was being chased from a lab, I had to save him*[/i] -
"Thats very interesting " "Well shall i send nightshade here to go find him?
Bramd - old
Yes, A familiar face to him will work more than a new one.* -
*she just looks at nightshade and it takes off making her stagger a little* " it wont take nightshade long to find him now all we have to is wait"
Bramd - old
[i]Okay. I'm intrigued by this place, how did you get here?[/i] -
"I found this place during my travels i guess i this just kinda grew on me too though"
Bramd - old
[i]Looks like it.[/i] *nightshade comes back with Mortar* Hey Leyla, what did you need? -
*nightshade land nearby as mortar approaches* "Um this woman here was looking for you" *leyla gestures at her* *
Bramd - old
Cyan? *She nods* [i]Hello Mortar[/i] *Mortar embraces her* -
Edited by VengefulSiren: 5/6/2016 6:39:54 PM"Well um im gonna let you two catch up" *she turns and starts to leave* "come nightshade lets leave two those be" *nightshade takes off and lands on her right shoulder as she walks away*
Bramd - old
[i]Thank You, Leyla, was it?[/i] -
"Yes it is" "And your very welcome" *she around real quick for a second* "Oh and if you see a dragon that dark blue with tiny silver scales dont attack it please"she says "Oh i have a older sister too she looks like but she has fiery redhair and blue eyes her names serenity." " you should meet her sometime i feel like you two would have a lot in common" she says "Well dont want to be a third wheeler so im gonna chill and bug my dad a little bit"
Bramd - old
[i]Got it. Thanks[/i] -
"Yup" *she turns and walks toward the woods disappearing in the undergrowth*