Bramd - old
*He hears you, and looks up to see the two of you* Hey, Sketch, who is thi- *He pauses a moment.* Cyan? *she nods* [i]Hello Mortar.[/i] *Mortar is speechless, so he runs up to her and hugs her* [i]It's okay, it's okay.[/i] -
*Is that awkward guy that's just standing there and doesn't know what's going on.*
Bramd - old
*they stop hugging* Oh, Cyan, This is Sketch, he is from a different dimension! [i]That is interesting.[/i] -
"Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that... So how do you two know each other?"
Bramd - old
[i]We are siblings [/i] I've lost her for 20000 years! -
"Wow really? I assume both of you have a lot of catching up to do..."
Bramd - old
[i]yes, yes. Mortar, can you come with me?[/i] Oh, of course. *They walk under a tree* -
*Sketch is interested so he follows.*
Bramd - old
*you hear Cyan talking about the Exiled to Mortar, and Mortar talks about the Dojo. They speak in hushed tones* -
*He decides they may not want him listening so he starts to walk away.*
Bramd - old
*Cyan sees you walk away* [i]Hey there! Would you like to listen too?[/i] -
"Oh, yeah, sure." *He walks back."
Bramd - old
[i]Where did I leave off? Oh, yes. The Exiled had been around for 30,000 years, and they have been saving people from themselves for years. We took part of making the first modern people.[/i] -
"Saving people from themselves?"
Bramd - old
[i]So they don't accidentally die off.[/i] -
"Hmmm... Yeah one of the flaws with humans seems to be that they are good at that... The main thing our race focused on was healing technology. Once we made it so we could fully recover from being chopped to bits we then started focusing on finding technology to defend ourselves..."
Bramd - old
True. [i]There was also an unknown invasion in 1642, which we had to save them[/i] -
"What kind of invasion?"
Bramd - old
[i] Pacific Rim stuff[/i] -
"Pacific who?"
Bramd - old
A movie made in 2012. You should watch it. -
"Oh, okay." [spoiler]He doesn't know what it is but I do.[/spoiler]
Bramd - old
[i]Where was I?[/i] -
[spoiler]Should Sketch follow? [/spoiler]
Bramd - old
[spoiler]if you want[/spoiler]