originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[spoiler]ok sorry[/spoiler]
[b]she starts screaming and catches on fire[/b]
[b]ice covers my body[/b]
[b]she disappears into the fire and it goes towards me[/b]
[b]it catches me on fire and the fire goes away[/b]
[b]i wake up[/b]
What happened...
"Umm... The ninja lady who I totally beat up somehow knocked you out and then drank a yellow liquid and then spontaniously combusted."
Sounds fun? [b]i hear her voice in my head[/b] Yeah, i'm hearing things... [b]an explosion of fire and ice happen around me[/b] [b]when you can actually see again me and the woman are standing side by side[/b] [b]she's on fire and i'm covered in armor made of ice[/b] [b]i look at her[/b] Ain't that neat
"What the actual #%$&."
[spoiler]she will talk underlined[/spoiler] [u]I'm just as confused as you are...[/u] [b]we mix again[/b]
"Ermahgerd!!! You two am eachothers soul mates!!!"
That's it! [b]i shoot fire out of one hand at you[/b] [b]then I pull out my scythe[/b] You're dead
*The fire dissipates when it hits me.* "I was freaking joking... Gosh... Does this have something to do with the yellow liquid she... Or... [i]You[/i] injected into yourself?"
Edited by JealousOrc: 5/6/2016 1:57:24 AMIt was my blood. She wanted my powers and only got my fire. Now we're pretty much like Fire Storm.
"Looks like that backFIRED... BWAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!"
Let's murder him. [b]i shoot ice at you and you get stuck in an ice cube[/b]
*His flamethrower starts melting the ice quite fast. The ice around his head melts. He starts gasping for air and continues to do so until the ice around his chest melts.* "Can't you two take a joke? You just nearly suffocated me!" (Theoretically freezing someone in an ice cube is a kill move.)
[spoiler]this isn't real life man[/spoiler] [spoiler]you were froze[/spoiler] [spoiler]like Captain America[/spoiler] [b]when the ice around the head melts I punch in the face[/b]
(As long as we aren't being realistic...) *As you go to punch him he bites down onto your hand. He shakes his head side to side vigorously.*
MOTHER OF TUBBZILLA!!! [b]punches you with my other hand[/b] [spoiler]you don't have to use parenthesis[/spoiler]
(It's part of my [i]system[/i]. I prefer to use them instead of spoilers except on certain occasions.) *He doesn't let go of your hand. He gives you a look as if to say: [i]We are supposed to be friends! What the h#%% man![/i]*
[spoiler]oh[/spoiler] [b]gives you a look saying "Let go of my hand before I light it on fire!"[/b]
*He lets go of it.* "You seem to have become somewhat more hostile... Does she have any control over you?"
Just when I let her. Also, you did just bite my hand...
"That's because you threatened to kill me, you froze me, and you tried to punch me in the face... And I'm hungry. I think those are good enough reasons to lose control for a second."
True. [b]the ice melts[/b] Happy now?
*Stumbles around for a second because he has lost feeling in his legs.* "Yes, that's much better."
Good. Now, please don't get mad but I have to kill you now.
"I'm afraid I strongly disagree with that... You don't have to kill me an a I can't think of any reason why you would."
You'll be reconstructed remember? I would do it to make your body a robot. Like I did with Po and plan on doing with Ornstein.
"Uhhhh... No... I don't approve."