Item suggestion: legendary chroma. Does things like:
-Only lights or has a pulse effect when your super/grenades/melee is full (fun for people who play no hud mode)
-Pulses with the color of the elemental effect that the weapon has
-Gives a mild pulse when firing or when you get a kill with the weapon
-faction chroma that rotates their color scheme or only fits that faction's armor
-purple and orange chroma to match subclasses, or a chroma that adopts the color of our current subclass
Yeah I know these might be too much but now that the customization cat is out of the bag it's time to go nuts with it. At the very least some more color options would be nice, and/or allow Eva Levante to sell chroma.
I also wouldn't complain if old gear was retrofitted for chroma (preferred) or phased out in favor of chroma options (no pls mai hung jury)
Lets take it further! Full gun camos, and being able to create your own shader.