Now, because I'm going to be discussing vague concepts here I first need to play into some semantics. Not really because I enjoy semantics, but mainly due to past experience with the responses I have gotten on similar topics.
First off, let's talk about what we mean by sex. Biologically, sex is what a person is born with. Having genetics to reproduce with the opposite sex.
Gender however in this conversation is not the same thing. Gender is more often used to describe the roles of the two sexes in a society. Or gender roles.
Gender roles are inherently false however. There is no "girl things" and there are no "boy things." If you disagree with this statement you're wrong. I'm sorry, but it's true.
The very fact that there exists like 180 million different "genders" on the internet disproves the entire concept of gender and gender roles. Plenty of girls enjoy what societies have labeled "manly" and vice versa.
One more item we need to discuss though before we get into the meat of the topic. Genetics. I often here the same line over and over again from very uninformed people on
"There are 2 genders XY and XX." It's ideally followed by a line about not passing 7th grade biology. However, what these people fail to understand is that males possess all the genetics of their female counter parts. However, males have extra coding added upon the genes of their female counterparts, and those genes locked inside of those chromosomes can be activated by exposure to the right biological chemicals.
Give a male female hormones and their bodies with biologically act as a female. Understand this; transsexuals are not men with makeup. They are biologically female, and their body is acting like it.
There is a difference to be had between a person who undergoes sex therapy and somebody who is a male and wears a dress.
The female genes of those treated are activated and their male genes are suppressed. For all intents and purposes the body chemistry is altered to be female. Understand this please.
More over, it's strongly hinted and suggested by the data that trans people have brains more structured like the opposite sex. Gender may just be a silly outdated concept,
but the actually thinking process of each sex is a measurable thing. Males and females typically think differently and trans people think typically like their opposite biological sex.
Now, let me ask Offtopic something here? Are you a leg? Are you a body? Or are you a brain? A person isn't who they are because of the body they live in. They're who they are based on their brain.
Imagine being a male brain trapped in a female body. How would you feel? You'd want to be viewed as what you feel you are. You'd want to became male on the outside.
Have empathy, Offtopic.
It made me happy as soon as I read that you understood the difference between sex and gender. The majority of offtopic can't seem to grasp that.