[b][u]It was like the Dark Zone?[/u][/b]
Anyway, I'll summarize this idea with some bullet points. READ THE FIRST POINT DAMMIT.
-This is a new gamemode
-All enemies are light level 320 and are all yellow bars
-PvP will be enabled
-Killing a guardian will cause a legendary engram to drop
-If you fire on another Gaurdian, you are marked as a public enemy for 3 minutes for each kill
-You can only go to orbit at those areas that look like they should have been spawn locations
-If you die, you either have to wait to be resurrected or respawn at one of the locations mentioned above
-All engrams collected are dropped when you die
-Collected engrams are put in a special place in your inventory that can hold up to 10 engrams
-[b]Edit[/b] light level advantages/disadvantages work the same as in trials and Iron Banner.
-[b]Edit[/b] Synths will not be able to be used(credit to Flewhid)
-[b]Edit[/b] Fireteam members are alway friendly(credit to plasmastorm12)
-[b]Edit[/b] If you turn off your console, all loot you were holding is lost(credit to AlbertEinstein)
That's the gist of it. If you have any questions, type at me.
I enjoy patrol and I wouldn't want to die from other players while I'm trying to patrol. It would just give the pvers of the game another reason to start disliking the game. It's time to practice with different weapons, gain glimmer, nail that 720 no scope while falling off the map onto a knight and thinking to yourself that your the best ever and no pve can stand a chance. Or just flying around on your sparrow getting some sweet air. [spoiler]keep pvp and pve seperate. As much as possible.[/spoiler]