originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[b]My body starts glowing a redish color. I burst into flames and your dampening loses effect. As the flames die down I ready myself once more [/b]
Okay then... *The sword transforms into a war axe right before your eyes* You like that don't ya?
Nice axe. But I prefer swords. [b]Attempts to kick your legs[/b]
*chuckles, then jumps up and lands on your leg, making a very awkward injury for the two*
Wow Um. [b]leg is bent out of shape.[/b] You're supposed to be sparring not trying to kill me. [b]I snap my leg back into place and breathe in sharply.[/b]
This IS me sparring. *Chuckles* Until I activate form 2. *Stares at you with serious eyes*
I'm not looking for a fight just some training. [b]I stand perfectly fine, my armor assisting me [/b]
Okay then. *The battle axe forms into knuckledusters, flames licking my hands* Your move.
[b]I limp Towards you holding my sword in ready position.[/b] We have medics right?
Quite a few. Two of em are arguing on who is better. Po, and... *Holds head in hand* I forgot the other. LET'S DO THISSS! *dissolves into the ground, and forms behind you, giving you a good punch to the back*
[b]I stumble forwards and pivot around. I stab my sword towards you [/b]
*A shadow dome forms over my fists, and acts like a shield* *I jump up and slam you with the shield*
[b]I stumble backwards [/b]
*chuckles, then jumps up, ready to strike*
[b] i roll to the side and swing My sword slashing your sid [/b]
*the sword breaks the shadow shield* *I jump up and throw the shards at you*
[b]A shield forms around me and the projectiles bounce off harmlessly[/b]
*The shards seem to move back to you and stay on your shield like a magnet.*
[b]I look at the projectiles curiously [/b] What the?
I didn't know that could happen... How are you...?
Mortar? What's going on?!?
Erm... I don't know. It's probably nothing. Probably what is going on is that you've worked with shadows and they seem an energy source to you, and will probably benefit. Or drain your energy. I have honestly NO idea. *chuckles nervously.*
Um [b]The projectiles suddenly start orbiting me. My shield disappears and I move hand around curiously. The projectiles follow. A shadow forms behind me. I do not seem to notice it[/b] This is wicked
look at that, you have a new Vine power AND a new Shadow power. Have you ever been to the Underworld?
The Underworld? It sounds familiar..
Loads of people know it, but few have been there. Me? I lived there for like 20,000 years, and yet I started working with shadow when I went back a few weeks ago.