So I recorded this clip a few months or so ago when I was running the King's Fall raid on normal mode to help some people get through it. Everything went smoothly until about halfway through the Oryx fight. Right after we killed the Shade, I randomly got thrown into one of the pillars when we got teleported out of the Shade realm. This caused my camera to get stuck very far away from the action. As a result, I got to see Destiny from a real-time strategy game perspective. I thought it was silly so I'd like to share it with anyone who is curious to see it. I never really post links, so I hope I did this correctly. If anyone else has any clips with interesting camera angles, feel free to share them here if you wish.
Edit: I am sorry for the quick camera rotations. When the camera is stuck like this, very slight movements of the analog stick cause it to move around like that. In addition, I was trying to "unstick" the camera.
Edit2: People here have mentioned that you can get this camera angle when you die and spectate the relic holder. I guess I didn't notice because I rarely die on the oryx fight unless we're wiping or I have something silly happen like how I got thrown into this platform. Also, for clarification, I am referring to the death as being glitchy. You can even see my ghost next to the platform that I was thrown into.
Here's a weird glitch I encountered in the raid once. Somehow we got separated into two fireteams, but no one got kicked from the raid. So we proceeded to kill Oryx as two separate fireteams working together. It was very bizarre seeing blue dots and names instead of all green. Fortunately we were in a PS chat so we could all communicate.