originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
*she watches her bounces around*
"Sure but define play"
*hmm she very light on her feet she thinks to herself*
"I bet you can't what i am"
"A mermaid!!!" *She giggles*
"Yes but only half im part dragon too
"COOOL!!! I know a dragon!!! She's nice. Are you nice too?" *She runs around you in circles, laughing*
"Yes i am"
*She begins dancing and singing* "I got a new dragon friend!!! And she's a mermaid!!!"
*she watches you dance*
*She stops suddenly and studies you* "Wanna go play?"
"Sure what did you have in mind?"
"Dunno. Not tag, cuz with only 2 people it's boring..."
"Hmm im not sure you can pick what we play"
"Uhhhhh.... Hide and go seek!!!" *She bounces up and down, giggling*
"Ok i'll hide you count
"Ok!!" *She runs over to a rock and sits on it, hiding her face in her hands* "One... Two...." *She continues counting*
*serenity sneak off without sound and hide some in the dojo*