originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
"Come on bring it"
*she bounces from side to side circling around*
"Im not holding back"she
"You should be. It's just sparring. It's not a fight." [b]I follow you[/b]
"Oh but i am.." *she jumps forward and grabs by you wrist flipping you over the making you hit the ground hard.* "Trust me you would know if went all out..." *she stands over as he sprawled on the ground*
"Interesting." [b]A shadow tomb forms around me and I disappear.[/b] "Now you see me," [b]I suddenly appear behind you and kick you in the back.[/b]
*she loses her balance making her fall forward slamming the ground.* "Oh well played.." *spring back to her feet and follows with an uppercut to your jaw*
[b]I stumble backwards[/b] "Good move." [b]I start throwing many punches at you. One after the other [/b]
*she jumps back dodging your punches and then she jumps forward sweeping your legs out from under you* "Thanks"
[b]As I fall down I dissipate into shadow and reappear standing.[/b] "Do you know anyone with shadow powers?"
"No i dont " "Why ?" *she rushs forward and slams her right leg hard into your ribs
"I would like some training." [b]I take the hit and grab your foot then flip you, causing you to crash to the ground.[/b]
*she hits the ground hard with knocks the wind of her* "That was a good hit " *she lays on the ground while she catches her breath* "What in hand to hand?"
Edited by Royal Blade: 5/8/2016 2:00:49 AM[b]I reach down to help you up[/b] "No, I'd like training in the art of Shadows. I'm a bit new to it and thanks."
"Oh okay" *she grabs your hand and pulls herself to feet*
"You okay?" [b]I step away[/b]
"Yup it will take more that to take me down after all i am part dragon "
"But what are your powers?" "I can do this." [b]Shadows start forming around the room and I burst into flames removing Them. [/b] "I can also do this." [b]I stretch my hands upward and vines shoot out, I then pull them back. As I do a shield forms around me and protects me from harm.[/b]
"Well i can breathe blues flames and ice. I can do this too. "You might want cover ears" *she lets out high pitch skullspliting scream that shatters all nearby windows *
[b]The screech seems to unaffect me.[/b] "Interesting." [b]Shadow vapor pours out of my ear[/b]
"Yup i can turn into this too" *she transforms into a massive light blue dragon* *she looks at you* "Unfortunately this is something i could never teach since i am part dragon"
"Oh I'm not looking for training on how to become a dragon." [b]I look at you.[/b] "Cool scales."
"I know that " "im just showing you" "Thanks you"
"How often can you transform?"
"I can transform at will"
"That's quite cool."
"Yup it sure is"
"I can spawn a dragon." [b]I start trying to create a dragon out of Shadows but I fall to my knees unable to do it.[/b]