No, that never happened. I remember me kicking him in the balls with my foot on fire, but never him nearly killing me
"Yeah, he kinda knocked you out trying to get information."
What info?
"Probably info on me. Or he tried to get us to quit. It was so long ago."
Edited by JealousOrc: 5/8/2016 5:52:56 AMTrue. It was like a year or two ago.
"Well, at least he's dead now. Guy was an ass."
Yeah, Sal was at that point too.
"God, don't get me started on him."
He got better though
"That's debatable."
Yeah. Since you're the blacksmith, would you like to use the Forge? Make one weapon or armor piece in it?
"The Forge?"
Really cool place I got when I killed Shrimp. He used it to make the Shrimpy Sword. It can make the most powerful items in the Universe. I don't use any of it here though. I only use in emergencies on the Forge or Raulsh. Raulsh is the planet the Forge is around. Did I mention it's pretty much a giant space ring?
"Huh, I do need better armor. I think il stop by."
Cool. Here's where it is. [b]hands you a map that leads from the Dojo to the Forge[/b] [spoiler]i have a thread for it if you wanna find out more about it[/spoiler] [spoiler]it's dead but i'd prefer it if you went to the Forge on the thread I have for it[/spoiler] [spoiler]just search up "Tubbs" in the search bar and you'll find it[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Alright[/spoiler] *Takes the map* "Il stop by tomorrow."
Cool. I'll have some people waiting. They'll take you to the Forge. [b]limps away because my broken leg[/b]
*Casts Curaga on you, healing your leg before walking away*
[b]walks away normally[/b]
[spoiler]prob a nut shot[/spoiler]
[spoiler]LMAO xD [/spoiler]