So I have a concern I would like to express.
Both my girlfriend and I are avid Destiny players. We both love raiding and doing POE and all of it. We both love PvE and PvP.
My concern comes in this, we do have a group that will do all of these things with us. But as it stands all of us have jobs and/or school. So sometimes it is difficult to get all of us together.
So what my girlfriend and I do is get a team of randoms.
Why is it that just because she is a woman that plays games she gets automatic passes into every group there is. Yet I have to pass some sort of test. We will even ask for groups with room for two for both of us. And as soon as they find out she is a woman they will invite her anyway and tell her to ditch me.
I have even had groups hit on her while I am in the chat. She is an amazing woman and tells them to stop or we are both leaving.
Most of the time we have to end up leaving because they wont stop.
I have even heard a guys girl yell at him to stop or she would break up with him.
Just because she is a woman she gets treated like a slut from multiple other people.
Why is this a thing.
When did disrespect become the common thing.
Edit: Thanks for the responses guys. I also have an experience to add that I forgot to mention on here. I have one female character which is my warlock. Well while on my warlock and with my girlfriend, A random guy at the tower decided to try and add us both. And as he put it he thought he it the jackpot. Like wtf is wrong with people that is so wrong and disrespectful it isn't even funny.
Edit: OK. To say for the record the reason I said sexism is the derogatory statements made because of her gender.
attitudes or behavior based on traditional stereotypes of gender roles.
This is the definition of sexism as taken from those fall under sexism. if you are going to try and bash me for just voicing a concern, at least get your facts straight before you do.
Edit: Yes i Know all woman get hit on. That's the nature of males. I am talking about the way it is being done. Plain out disrespect in the things being said. I wonder if some of these things they said to a woman if they would ever dream to ever say them in person, or better yet in front of someone else.
Edit: This is just voicing a concern. Thinking out loud. Asking a question. Whatever you want to call it.
I'm pretty sure my girlfriend gets it aswell. When im not in her fire team the randoms that "jump in" is quite funny. The sad part is this often makes her play showing offline so people leave her alone......
Edited by Rokon: 5/9/2016 6:10:37 AMBecause there's a lot of thirsty cucks who want to masturbate to the sound of a female voice because their parents blocked adult websites and they're getting tired of using Mara Sov as material.
The last 4 raid teams I was on had at least 1 female member and 3 of them went very smoothly, everyone acted like adults. 1 team had a bunch of teenage guys on it when a girl joined and it was a riot she put them in their place right away lol what I found funny was on 1 of the teams we ran straight through the whole raid on hard including challenge and I think the girl said maybe 2 sentences the whole raid I almost forget she was their lol
That's because they are jealous of you - your girlfriend and I are like mystical unicorns to these prepubescent boys
Edited by Cowboybebop: 5/9/2016 6:08:25 AMPlease stfu. ninjas leave here you're not needed.
I've noticed that too. When my girlfriend plays destiny she is constantly bombarded with invites, friend requests, and messages because her psn has queen in it. Mine has guy in it and I usually only get invites from people I know.
More of favoritism and lack of maturity, than sexism if anything. A lot of teenagers play this game. not say all teenagers are immature, but a majority of them are. I have a good frienda of mine who I play with a lot. she is really nice and I've introduced her to a lot of people. not many people have hit on her, except me well because I know what she looks like. it's in a joking and sarcastic manner, and she knows it too. Maybe you're just unlucky. I've never had this issue tbh
LOL, my wife plays, too. 99% of everyone is respectable; the remaining 1% are deleted and blocked without hesitation.
Ah, SJW at its finest.
That is very interesting...if I do hear a complaint regarding a female guardian ir usually has to do with bad responses to her sex THAT Sucks man, but the Destiny community isn't going to change Find some good friends who you can count on and frequently play
Edited by TheSpaceGeneral: 5/8/2016 9:18:31 PMI think this post is inherently sexist. "People hit on my girlfriend in raids. That's not cool." IKR. We shouldn't treat women as objects of... "They shouldn't hit on her because she's [i]mine[/i]!." Oh. Never mind.
Are you sure you're not a girl? You say like way too much to be a guy.
[quote]When did disrespect become the common thing.[/quote] When the internet became widely used.
Wow that's unbelievable. Some people are really desperate. Good luck to you and her on future Destiny endeavors! Soon enough you'll find decent people who will play with you when your normal group isn't around.
Lot of pussies in here. Like I know it sucks man, but it's the internet. If it offends you people that much, just go offline.
You on PS4? That's horrible human behaviour.
The only advice I can think of is the two of you start your own clan. With people you get along with. It may take time to assemble, but it'll be worth it in the long run. As well as giving you a pool of players to game with in other games.
yeah.. there is a women in my core group of friends that play destiny and that shit don't happen.. just playing with immature douches which makes up a huge percentage of this community.. not all just a lot...
Sounds like you guys play with kids. My raid group would be more gay with you (in a joking manner) than talking to your wife in a sexual manner
Start ur own group maybe?
Unfortunately with randoms you are guaranteed to get immature lil bitches. I've played with girls through lfgs and I don't desire to bother them like that. Just know what to do in the raid is all I want. Whether you're s man or woman. My clan is 30 plus people with families. It's the younger people who take joy in being pricks.
The majority of Destiny players are virgins.
these 3 lines should help, OP... [i]"put some respek on it"[/i] [i]"i'm pullin' up on you nigs"[/i] [i]"is you done, is you finished?"[/i]
Be like me and gay your problems away.
Because 80 percent of gamers haven't seen a pussy since they were yanked out of one during their birth.