"Hmm. Interesting." [b]I open my hand and a green mist forms in my palm.[/b] "Like this?"
Similar, but darker in origin
[b]The mist disappears.[/b] "Very well. I'll see you around."
Wail, do you practice the shadow arts?
"Yes. Yes I do. Why?"
Teach me
"Why should I?"
I am on a quest to unite the light and the shadow.
[b]I snicker[/b] "You can't do that. You need them to be separate. They're like Yin and Yang. Opposites are needed."
I suppose not as one. But in cooperation
"You mean like this?" [b]A shadow ball forms in one hand while a ball of flame forms in the other. I merge them together and they seem to interact with each other.[/b]
Yes. Like that
[b]I play around with the ball.[/b] "Well you should know shadows are not controllable. They are only tamable."
"It's not easy." [b]The orb suddenly seems to implode within itself and disappear.[/b] "See what happens when they combine?"
Ah, let me try this. *tries to generate orbs in hand. Light orb successful, shadow orb decomposes*
"It takes a while to put them together and to even summon them at the same time."
Let me try again *generates both orbs successfully*
"Well done. Try not combine them yet."
OK *Throws orbs out the door. Blows up nearby trees* Well damn...
[b]Sighs.[/b] "I got." [b]I shoot vines out of hands and start rejuvenating the trees.[/b]
I will now journey out to the woods to meditate on these powers. I will return at dusk (4hrs)
"I wish you luck."
"Welp." [b]heads off[/b]