We are a group trying to get more liked mind individuals to join us. We are on every day and Raid every chance we can. I don't care what light you are or how long you have been playing. If you are decent human being and respectful towards others then come have some fun with us!
What is our Motto? Saying?
Here are some things about us. This should let you know if you will fit in. -At the end of the day this is a video game. We like to get shit done too and have many extremely skilled players. We also have some who are still new and learning that need help.
-We are very active and our ages range from 18 to 60. A lot of us play every single day and can do the Raid blindfolded backwards, but we also got people who can only play a couple hours a week. Regardless of which category you fall into we help each other get the most out of this game. This game is amazing and gets even better when you’re playing with a group of good people. -We currently use Band App for communication. This is a free app ios/android that allows us to chat and set up events such as Raid times, Trials Runs, COE, and every other activity you can think of for this game. If you decide to join here is the invite link.
[CANT JUMP RIGHT] Band. http://band.us/n/afa9Q8k4gc508
-You need to have thick skin and not get offended easily. Everyone knows the forums are filled with toxic negative people and this group will not become that. There is zero tolerance for “Ragers” and disrespectful behavior. If you have a problem with someone or something they did, then speak to them about it like an adult. Do not get on our forum and talk bad about someone, I will ban that behavior immediately.
-So if you are laid back and want to have some fun while collecting sweet loot, then Cant Jump Right is the group for you!
Can I join?