[b]The Deity moves to the side and swings Naze around, throwing him into Zane[/b] Okay..light light light... [b]The Deity looks around for light.[/b]
*Suddenly Zane envelopes the room in darkness, and you can only see a bit. It's pitch black, like an abyss* [b]Hehehe[/b] *Zane leaps, scratching your chest as Nazé slashes, unleashing a wave of darkness at you*
[b]The armour protects the Deity[/b] [b]The Deity front flips over the wave and punches Naze In the face. Knocking him into the abyss[/b] Ok come on Zane...
*Nazé fades, his energy flowing into Zane as he looks at you*
Edited by Inflatablepants: 5/10/2016 3:31:35 AMOh son of a bitch! OK...evil abyss...kills people... Or can it? Oh shit if that's limbo.... Okay. KID! COME AT ME!
*I dashes past you, slashing your back*
[b]The Deity quickly grabs your arm as you pass, and holds it with a death grip.[/b] ALRIGHT! HERE WE GO! [b]The Deity pulls you closer and grabs you by the chest. And Jumps into the abyss[/b]
*Headbuts him, growling*
Okay ya great we are falling so you don't have to be such a filthy animal. [b]The Deity and Zane continue to fall through the abyss[/b]
*Swings my hand, and we land on the floor*
[b]The Deity lands on his feet. [/b]
*Grabs the shadows, disappearing into them*
Okay asshole. Stop being a little dick and go back to normal!
*Slashes your back before leaping into the shadows*
Okay fine! You asked for it kid! [b]The Deity swings his blade in a circle. Sending the beam throughout the room purging the darkness[/b]
*The room changes, and it becomes a white room that doesn't seem to end. Zane is standing a distance away, a white and black overcoat, and his Gunblade At his side*
[b]The Deity looks around as he walks towards Zane[/b] ....Kiiiiiiiid. You alright?
*As you get closer, it becomes clear that somethings off. Zane turns and looks at you, but it's not Zane that speaks* ????:Ah, we meet again.
Ah shit. Sorry, pardon my language. I know you are used to hanging out with Mickey Mouse all the time.
*He looks at you, a puzzled look on his face* ????:Why are you here?
[b]The Deity facepalms since he doesn't know his own reference[/b] I'm here to get you out of your meat suit! So scram! Seriously you are pissing me off!
*The mystery man gets in a battle stance, and twin laser beams come out from his hands* ????:I am so sorry, Zane isn't here at the moment. My name is Xehanort. [spoiler]New post[/spoiler]