originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[b]found rooting through trash in back[/b]
Oh... h- hey!
[b]throws empty can behind me[/b]
[b]faceplate reinforces[/b]
[b]solid orange, bright eyes track around alley[/b]
I'll just go...
HISSSS [b]creates particle barrier[/b] [b]teleports away[/b]
"Go back to Sherwood! Or providence!"
[b]teleports back[/b] Just 'cuz you said that, I'm staying!
[b]begins dancing[/b]
"Go back."
[b]begins shaking booty[/b]
"Oh my god!" [b]Disappears [/b]
[b]teleports to you[/b] [b]shakes booty faster[/b]
"NOPE." [b]Goes to Underworld.[/b]
[b]asks wraith to bring me to underworld[/b] [b]booty is now super sonic[/b]
"OH MY GOD!!" [b]Completely disappears, untraceable. [/b]
[b]eyes turn yellow[/b] WE'LL SEE ABOUT THAT, WON'T WE?!
Erm... *Mortar walks up*
[b]hidden robotic smile under faceplate[/b] HI. [b]arm turns into plasma cannon[/b] [b]shoots at you, creaming your shoulder[/b] BYE. [b]teleports out[/b]
*I avoid* Damn you robot
[b]beep boop bitch[/b]
................./ ̄\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ̄\.../\../\ <═════|.........|.|..|..|..|..|..|..|.|........|( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) .................\__/ / / / / / / / /___ノ .....................|,,/.......................|,,/ [quote]YOU HAVE BEEN VISITED BY ARMADILLO LENNY, LIKE THIS POST OR BE ARMADILLOED IN 5382 HOURS AND 17 MINUTES[/quote]
Oh noes [spoiler]no[/spoiler]
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )