This is kind of a follow-up to my Krampus "review" from a while ago.
*cough* this movie.
This... this... this movie is so very cringey. OK, now let me get all the positives out (yes, there are positives to this movie).
Firstly, the movie had really great instrumentals. Every music piece without vocals was something I could go back and listen to.
Second, the characters here seemed at least twice as smart as those in Unfriended (next one). Some of their actions seemed way more realistic in the given situations.
OK, now that it's done with.
The rest of this movie is either filled with cringe or an overall horrible message. Now scenes stood out to me, unlike Krampus or even -blam!-ing Foodfight.
Basically this girl is having a normal life when she finally gets a laptop for her birthday. Everything goes well until one of her friends starts saying she gave "him" and STD. This was a fake account created by one of her friends, which is a human female. It gets so bad that she even tries to commit suicide (even though the insults are petty, then again I have no soul). She fails suicide and at the end of the movie stands up to the PHYSICAL BULLIES while saying that we should LEGISLATE THE INTERNET!!
So, like I said, the insults in this movie directed towards the character are the weakest if you have been on 4chan. They could fly right through me and not provoke me in the slightest. Cyberbullying is cowardly, but honestly you are not going to stop it. Just ignore it, the news was right for once.
Now, legislating the internet... -blam!- me. I hate this idea so much that bleach actually came to mind. All forums have their own set of rules to follow, jesus. Now this idea is not only stupid, but it hurts me mentally. NEVER should you even THINK about this. This would mean you could go to JAIL with people who kick people's nuts inward for a living just for typing a little message on the computer! -blam!- that.
Final verdict: 3/10
Next "review" is going to be Unfriended.
Edited by NinjaCabbage: 5/10/2016 5:42:00 AMPropeganda movie it sounds like. Aimed at the already weak, spineless masses who love to play the victim. If they can get enough of these pathetic bags of twat hair to be willing to sacrifice freedom for a "safe space" then the internet will become a tool for throwing "insensitive" people behind bars. So I will put out this call to action: the next time you hear a person say "that's offensive", punch them right in the face. This way they will know what bullying actually is and hopefully shut the fùck up. If they persist, repeat the first step.